Chapter 535 Interest
Boss is inconvenient now, if you go in, they will not be responsible for anything.

But those two people were surprised. No one who had taken the initiative to go to the third floor could leave alive. The woman was another matter. It was also chosen by the boss himself, not this kind of woman sent to the door.

"Come in, of course I want to go in." The woman smiled, and after she finished speaking, she walked in crookedly with the wine glass in her hand.

Entering the innermost room, hearing the movement from inside, just smiled.

He casually pushed open the door, as if he didn't see the person inside, and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Just as if there was air around, he lifted the wine bottle on the table as if nothing had happened, and poured himself wine.

Half an hour later.

When the voice stopped, she raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her, "Am I pretty? Stare at me like this."

Xu Jinxi had a beard all over her face, she simply wore a loose nightgown, and sat down beside her, "Tell me, the purpose of coming here..."

Light a cigarette, and the smoke is lingering.

He inadvertently glanced at the woman beside him, with a gloomy look.

Su Yi handed out the wine glass in her hand, "I'm here to ask for interest."

"Interest? Do you know the consequences of asking me for interest?" Xu Jinxi glanced sharply, but did not take her glass.

Catching the panic flashing in her eyes, she suddenly evoked a smile, as gentle as ever, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"You know, if you ask me for interest, there is also interest?"

"Oh? I'd like to hear it?" Su Yi shook a light yellow liquid in her hand, but she looked extremely depressed in the dim light.

Suddenly, he raised her sharp chin, "Don't you think that keeping interest for you also needs interest?"

Su Yi was startled for a moment, then slowly put down the wine glass in her hand, tightened it suddenly, and with a force of her wrist, it fell into his arms.

"If you want interest, let me see if you are qualified..." With a tug in his hand, the dress shattered into pieces.
After a long time.


Su Yi's action of picking up the clothes was slightly stagnant, without looking back, "I want to stay."

"Stay? Why? Aren't you that man's woman? He can't support you anymore?" Xu Jinxi glanced at her indifferently.

He leaned on the sofa without moving.

"Because I let you go... and those things." Su Yi raised the corners of her seductive lips, and her words were unavoidably mean, "Otherwise you can still live so carefreely now? Uh-huh~"

Xu Jinxi pinched her neck firmly with two fingers, without any intention of pity.

There was hideous terror in his eyes, "I kept you just to let you pay back Su Linhao's debts. Is it not because of him that I have fallen into such a state?"

Su Yi's face gradually turned red, and she hurriedly grabbed his hand, with a terrified expression on her face, fearing that if he tried harder, her life would be lost.

He let go of his hand suddenly, and there was a violent cough in the room.

"Why did you appear at this time? You'd better not lie, or I will make you look ugly." He said indifferently.

A smile appeared on Su Yi's face again, and she put her fingers on her neck, "No one is restraining me, of course I want to leave, just leave?"

"Where's the third child!" Xu Jinxi's eyes wavered.

Saying this is a gnashing of hatred.

Back then when he was arrested and asked to cooperate, he didn't expect that man to be just an idiot. Just because of his attitude, he was made to suffer. He remembered this account.

(End of this chapter)

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