Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 536 Make a fuss

Chapter 536 Make a fuss

Back then when he was arrested and asked to cooperate, he didn't expect that man to be just an idiot. Just because of his attitude, he was made to suffer. He remembered this account.

"Dead." Su Yi also said calmly, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Xu Jinxi glanced at her and snorted disdainfully, "Don't tell me, you killed him."

"How can I have that ability?" Su Yi only felt a burning pain in her throat, she glanced at the man sitting beside her, her methods became more and more ruthless, but it was a good way to let her temporarily avoid those people.

"Huang Ye's people did it."

When she said Huang Ye, Xu Jinxi's expression changed in an instant.

phoenix!The Killer Organization.

It is the power behind Shengshi. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't even be able to believe what kind of person he was facing before.

The organizations that have turned the underworld's attention, especially in country E, have a pervasive intelligence organization.

At the beginning, he went out to find them to make a deal.

It's no wonder that every prosperous age can accurately know their movements.

Formidable opponent!

That man took away everything from him, from their Xu family's world, to his smooth sailing family, and Tianxin. If it wasn't for that man who took away his love, she would only be his.

It's just that the man ruined everything he had, but he didn't have the ability to take revenge.

Even the Xu family can prevent him from being destroyed as long as they move their fingers.

But after all, I was not reconciled.

"You'd better come up with enough reasons to let me keep you and not move you!" Xu Jinxi's eyes darkened.

"You still remember the woman next to Shengshi, her origin!" Su Yi said lightly.

"Don't you want revenge?"

Su Yi caught the flashing hatred in his eyes, but her heart was also dark.

She never had a chance to kill that woman, but she still didn't give up, even if she couldn't get it, she wouldn't make it easier for them...

"What do you mean?"

"I also eavesdropped on the third child's story about that woman. If I can make a fuss about it, I won't kill two birds with one stone." Her eyes were filled with a crazy smile, and she attributed everything she suffered to Tian Xin.

Suddenly, the neck was grabbed again, this time Xu Jinxi was not soft, Su Yi stuck out her tongue in disbelief and beat his arm.

"Didn't I tell you not to get her ideas?" Xu Jinxi's hands shrank suddenly.

A click.


Su Yi never thought until her death that Xu Jinxi still had illusions about Mo Tianxin.

She has always been a witty woman, but this time, the stimulation of alcohol directly killed her.

Letting go, without looking at the person who collapsed, picked up a tissue on the side, wiped his hands, and looked at everything in the room with indifference.


Xu Jinxi pushed open the window of that room to let go of the stuffy heat in the room.

Thinking of the warmth that was accidentally let go, the air became a little more oppressive again.

He never thought of giving up.

So damn that woman, dare to hit her mind.

But - so what if you don't think about giving up?

That man in Shengshi, he is not the one who can shake him!
If he can make a fuss about her identity, will he be able to regain the person who originally belonged to him.


Jinhua Villa.

"Full moon?" Sheng Shi raised his eyebrows, feeling like laughing at Tian Xin's nervousness.

"Xin'er, haven't you been thinking about it all the time, why are you worried because the time is approaching?"

(End of this chapter)

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