Chapter 537 Shopping
"Xin'er, haven't you been thinking about it all the time, why are you worried because the time is approaching?"

There was also a flash of uncertainty in Sheng Shi's heart, but it didn't show half of it on the surface.

"But I'm just worried, Sheng Shi, I'm afraid that if I lose you, I might lose you halfway, why don't you wait for me here!" As soon as Tianxin said, he felt that Sheng Shi was unhappy.

Hugging him tightly, "I'm just worried about you, in case you can't handle it..."

She was so scared, so nervous, and always worried that something would happen in the middle, and after returning, whether they would be separated by accident like herself and the national teacher back then.

After all, this kind of ability against the sky, even if she asks the national teacher, she may not be sure.

Or they can never go back, and she can't see the queen mother...

"Cough cough!"

At the dinner table, hugging and hugging is so decent.

Zhong Ziyan glanced at the two of them, and this sentence flashed in his heart, it really doesn't matter the location, whether there are people around or not.

"There are about ten days until the full moon, Shengshi, I hope you are ready."

He just said something lightly, then left his job and left.

That feeling is that I really can't stand the two of them! !

Sheng Shi understood what he meant, and asked him if he was ready, and whether his affairs had been handled properly. Regarding the countless forces in his hands, which criss-crossed, Zhong Ziyan knew all about them.

Another meaning may be, if you can't come back, do you also plan to feel this way...

Seeing his vigorous and powerful footsteps, Sheng Shi smiled lightly, as long as there is Tianxin, he doesn't care.

The Sheng Group is sometimes easy to come by, the original purpose of the company is to make a profit, to supply Huang's expenses, as for his incident at the beginning, when Shi Han's helicopter fell into the sea of ​​death, it was over.

Huang Ye didn't have to worry, the six of them were all there, and they came out in a hurry without anyone stopping them.

Or rather, there is another place.

The Karl family of Country X.

Wade can support it, but he just hides his strength and bides his time too far. He doesn't need to think too much about the current situation. As for his request, let's talk about it later!
No one is as important as his wife!

Tian Xin looked up at Sheng Shi's paralyzed face. If it wasn't when they were alone, he would still laugh. I really doubt that he has facial paralysis.

"Shengshi, you can go shopping with me! Let's go shopping, maybe we can bring some back..." Tianxin's abacus was rattling, but she just felt that if she stayed these days, she would definitely be driven crazy.

Time flies, it has been almost two years, and she really misses everything there.

At least she doesn't have to be forced to marry when she goes back, she can't wait to try...

Sheng Shi curled his lips and nodded, but before that, he had to do one more thing.

Later, Ran Shiyi bought the Xu family's mansion.

Because Zhong Ziyan needed that place, the top of that building had an excellent location, and this was the place where Zhong Ziyan would desperately try.

Back to square one again.

He doesn't want anything to go wrong...

The huge Piazzale Roma.

A low-key car stopped, and a couple walked out of it, just like the people walking out of the poster. There were too many people in the square, and everyone took a second look, which caused people to bump into people, so that the traffic began to jam.

This time, Tian Xin finally had the mind to look carefully, and her mood became different.

Although it wasn't Yang Nuannuan's company this time, Sheng Shi was with her, and she was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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