Chapter 545 Wake Up
inner hall.

Yuan Yan, Mo Aofeng, and Tianxin's four elder brothers looked at the two on the bed with different expressions.

Because there is a strange bondage between the two, they had to be put together, and the imperial doctor diagnosed——

The princess just fell asleep from exhaustion, she had nothing else to do, and the person next to her had no other problems.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

After sending the imperial physician away, everyone was startled when they turned around.

The hands of these two people were tied together, that's all, but they were tightly held together, and now Tianxin turned over directly, lying on Shengshi's chest and sleeping soundly.

The movement is natural and smooth, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The poor Master Guo Shi who was carried to the side hall of Chaoyang Palace was directly forgotten by everyone.

Yuan Yan and the others looked embarrassed for a while.

It's not easy to separate the two, and it can't prevent them from sleeping together, but Mo Aofeng's brows are wrinkled at this moment, and he only needs to put something between the two of them.

"My son, I'm going to visit the national teacher. I'll leave this place to you. When I wake up, send someone to notify me." Mo Aofeng couldn't sit still anymore, knowing that Tianxin was not injured, and he just needed to stay guarded.

Yuan Yanhan nodded and looked at him, "Well, I'll stay and take care of her, you go to stabilize the officials first, this matter must not be caught and used as an excuse."

"Queen, let's also step down first." Mo Junjin wrote out.

After Yuan Yan nodded, he left at the same time.

As they left, the voices from the front hall, the group of restless ministers finally quieted down.

Yuan Lai gently pulled Tian Xin away, and also noticed the bag-shaped thing in her other hand, but she held it tightly.

"Xin'er, would you like to give something to the queen mother?" Yuan Yan glanced at her pretty face, the strange clothes, and took the bag in her hand, Tian Xin's hand naturally let go.

Brush the loose hair from her forehead and pin it behind her ears.

After all this tossing, it was already dawn outside, and Yuan Yu had no intention of leaving.

She wanted to wait for the person on the bed to wake up.

She kept holding Tianxin's hand, and when she was tired, she just supported her for a while, and the maid behind her asked her to rest many times, but she just waved her hand.

Woke up and stared at Tianxin again, only the joy of regaining what was lost remained in his eyes.

The man whose eyes suddenly fixed on Tianxin's side was not inferior to the face of the royal family. Even after falling asleep, he could feel the domineering look between his brows and the corners of his mouth.

Xin'er hasn't suffered in the past two years!
There were no rough marks on the fingers, and compared to before, there was just a bit more mature charm in the eyebrows and eyes.

He looked at her tirelessly.

She told herself in her heart that she is back, Tianxin has come back, she no longer has to be in panic all day long, and she doesn't need to cry quietly to wash her face in the dead of night.

The warmth from her hands comforted her again and again.

This is not a dream—


When Tianxin's consciousness came back, the memory in his mind stayed at the moment when Xu Jinxi shot.

"No." With a scream, he sat up suddenly, his face was full of horror, and even Yuan Yu, who was dozing beside him, was taken aback.

"Xin'er, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Yuan Yu hurriedly sat beside her, hugged her tightly, and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, the queen mother is here, don't be afraid."

The gentle voice, the familiar tone, and the smell that makes her nostalgic...

Even though it was only buried on Yuan Yu's shoulder, Tianxin still felt that this was her mother, and she really came back...

Excited fingers are trembling...

(End of this chapter)

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