Chapter 546

"Mother's queen..." Tian Xin hugged her back tightly.

She was so scared, she was really thinking, if she couldn't see each other again in this life, would she really die with regrets.

It wasn't until Tianxin woke up that Yuan Yan wept with joy and really came back.

Let go of her and look carefully...

Two years, she has been away from her for two years, "Xin'er, you are really back, my mother has been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Gently brushing her fingertips across her little face, a trace of guilt flashed across Tianxin's eyes.

"Okay, don't think too much, since you're back, everything will be fine."

With her reassurance, Tian Xin nodded seriously.

Suddenly remembering the prosperity together, and Zhong Ziyan, he suddenly raised his hand, his heart was beating wildly.

"Shengshi, Shengshi, wake up."

The hand that was clenched tightly did not let go.

"Queen, Sheng Shi will be fine, right? Have you asked the imperial physician to look at him?" Tian Xin was so nervous that he looked away from Sheng Shi and asked Yuan Yu anxiously.

"It's okay, he's just like you, just too tired."

Seeing that her daughter was so nervous about the people around her, Yuan Yan understood that the bondage between the two might be put on by herself.

She still knows Tianxin very well.

Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured, "Why did you sleep worse than me? I was so scared to death."

Facing Shang Yuan's probing eyes, there was a sudden heat behind his ears, and he quickly changed the subject, "Queen mother, where is the national teacher, has the national teacher also returned?"

Since no misfortune happened to her, it's time for the national teacher to come back.

"It's okay, he's in the side hall." Yuan Yu smiled and ordered the maid to prepare the meal.

His eyes stopped on the strange thing between the two, "Xin'er, can you untie this thing?"

When Tianxin was asked by her, his heart jumped in fright, and he looked away guiltily.

Shaking his head, "I can't solve it for the time being."

She threw away the key on purpose at that time, and if Sheng Shi had nothing to do, he would untie it. This kind of simple handcuffs was not a problem in his eyes.

Facing Yuan Yan's gaze, she scratched her head, "I lost the key, so the two of you came back handcuffed. To unlock it, you have to wait for him to wake up. He knows how to do this."

Yuan Yan shook his head helplessly, "But you go in and out with a man like this..."

"Mother's queen." Tian Xin shook her arm.

Yuan Lai raised his eyebrows, seeing that the hands of the two hadn't let go, "Xin'er, you are..."

Tian Xin bit her lip, hesitating.

"Tell the queen mother! Two years, not two months, if it is said that there is no relationship between you, I will not believe it."

"He's the one I've identified." Tian Xin said bluntly.

She didn't intend to take it at all, and she couldn't hide it, but she was missing this promise that Shengshi came together because of her. After all, nothing will happen until he wakes up.

She will not misjudge anyone, and she also hopes that Yuan Yu will support her.

In this way, at least someone can help her when the brothers are making trouble.

Yuan Yu smiled helplessly, "It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay in college. After two years back, her personality has changed drastically."

Yuan Lai's eyes fixed on Sheng Shi's face, he is indeed a good man, as to whether he is worthy of her heart, we will talk about it later.

But she could see that the person who can tame this wild horse is not easy.

She knows Tianxin's character better than anyone else. Anyone who can't restrain her will never win her heart.

"It's also twenty, and the son and princess who are the same age as you, the children are running around, and you are afraid that your father will not keep you." She smiled softly, as if she was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

(End of this chapter)

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