Chapter 547
Tianxin's ear became hot, but she didn't say that she was in a hurry to get married!
He looked away guiltily.

"People know."

"Silly girl." Yuan Yan raised his hand and rubbed her head lightly.

"Queen, the meal is ready." The maid walked in lightly and reported.

"Mother, where's Bing Lan?" Tian Xin asked doubtfully when she saw an unfamiliar face.

Yuan Lai smiled lightly, "It should be in the outer hall, so someone summons it, but this girl has been depressed since you left, and no one wants to say more."

She raised her hand, "Look for Binglan."

Yuan Yan didn't say anything, because he was afraid that seeing Binglan would miss him even more, so he transferred him to another palace.

But when Tianxin comes back, she should be let back...

The food is here, Tianxin is embarrassing!


At that time, Sheng Shi's right hand should be handcuffed, but now he can't move his right hand, but how can he eat——

"I've been away for so long, let my mother hold on tightly, let me feed you!"

Tianxin was embarrassed, "But I am no longer a child—"

He didn't get sick, and he didn't lose his arms or legs. It's not appropriate to feed him like this!

Yuan Lai hid his face and smiled, and said angrily, "You are not just a child, silly girl, don't think that after you get married, you will be an adult, and you will still be as crazy as before."

Taking the porridge bowl from the maid's hand, he took one bite at a time.

Tianxin looked at the somewhat unreal scene in front of her, her eyes were crescent-shaped with a smile, "Mother's Queen."

"Huh?" Yuan Yan carefully blew away the hot air from the spoon.

"Do you think someone will recognize you as my sister? The queen mother is still so beautiful~~"

"Ghost spirit." Even though he said it as a joke, Yuan Yu couldn't help but smile, "You, since you said that, when someone of yours wakes up, I'll have to test it out."

"Don't worry, let the horse come here!" Tian Xin was extremely proud, and she had a thousand hearts for Sheng Shi.

Not to mention a test, she brought back the whole talent.

Thinking of this, the arc of the crescent moon is even worse, and the father will be shocked. Since it is her country, Shengshi will definitely not refuse to help, so it can only grow stronger quickly in three to five years...

Someone made another abacus dial...

Yuan Yu shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile, "But I remember that someone swore not to marry before, huh?"

Tian Xin swallowed the food in her mouth, "I am following God's will, you are still helping my father to bully me, this time you can't help him again."

"Xin'er, are you speaking ill of King Father?" A healthy male voice was familiar to the bones.

Tianxin coughed a few times and smiled sweetly, "No, I'm just joking with the queen mother."

Mo Aofeng walked around the side hall, chatted with Zhong Ziyan for a while, and then heard someone announce that Tianxin woke up.

come here at once-

"Hmm? Why did your mother feed you herself?" Mo Aofeng sat down beside her, and swept her hands, "Get rid of the things you're holding! It's not uncomfortable if you stay tied together like this. ?”

She glanced sideways at her, only to see that Tian Xin was staring at the maid who brought in the tea, and then looked at him again in just a split second.

"I can't unlock it for now, I lost the key."

Mo Aofeng picked up the teacup, and his eyes stayed on her face for a while, "It's good that I'm not wronged."

It doesn't make sense to say such a sentence.

Tianxin was moved for a while, at least she didn't make a wrong choice, and it was right to come back, but the time to go back will be decided later.

(End of this chapter)

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