Chapter 548
Tianxin was moved for a while, at least she didn't make a wrong choice, and it was right to come back, but the time to go back will be decided later.

It's useless to think too much--

Sheng Shi didn't wake up, if he wanted to go back, he had to go to the National Teacher's office.


"Queen Mother, we will go to Qionghua Palace when he wakes up. You should go and rest quickly." Tian Xin suddenly remembered that when she woke up just now, Yuan Yu fell asleep beside her.

"Binglan, hurry up and take it." Tianxin bluffed.

Yuan Yan and Mo Aofeng looked at each other, and they stood up with a smile.

Seeing that she had nothing to do except being restrained, Yuan Ling handed the bowl to Binglan and left with Mo Aofeng, "Xin'er, when you wake up, don't forget to come to your mother's place."

Tian Xin nodded happily.

"By the way, your brothers haven't left the palace yet, ahem, let's go back first." Mo Aofeng said casually.

Tianxin murmured in his heart.

It seems that the queen father and queen mother did not dislike the person next to her, but there are still a few elder brothers who love to make trouble——

"What are you looking at? Don't hurry up and feed me. You want to starve me to death." Tianxin glared at Binglan angrily, seeing her sneaking glances at the people around her, "Let me introduce you, this is my husband."

"Ah? What is a husband?"

Bing Lan spoke suspiciously.

Once you make a sound, all the rules are broken.

Because of being transferred to other palaces, all the rules have to be relearned. In other palaces, it is not like Chaoyang Palace. Two years is enough to wear down a person's character.

However, Tianxin came back.

Tianxin grinned, "I won't tell you, guess what?"

He yelled again, "Why are you so far away from me? Will I eat you? Your princess is back. Don't worry, I will protect you. Hurry up and bring me some delicious food. I'm starving to death."

Binglan's eyes turned hot, and he nodded.

The princess really came back. Just now the queen sent someone to summon her. She thought she had done something wrong.

When the porridge bowl was brought, Tian Xin didn't bother to move her left hand, so she opened her mouth and took a mouthful, only to see her hands trembling excitedly, and joked, "Don't drop your tears into my bowl, this porridge is already salty enough."

I somewhat understand from the bottom of my heart.

She was really suffering. At first glance, the clothes on her body were all temporary changes, and they were the same clothes she wore when she stayed in Chaoyang Palace.

She also knows everything about Bing Lan better than anyone else.

This girl-

All because of their own reasons.

"Binglan, I'll give you two days off after feeding the porridge. Come see me after adjusting your mood. It's best to cry all your tears." As he spoke, he swallowed the last mouthful of porridge and said, "Go, I'll find you if I need something. The guards outside."

"Yeah." Putting down the porridge bowl, walked away with small steps.

Tianxin felt distressed for a while.

If it's not that she can't move now, she must go and find out who dares to move her.

Not even a rebuttal, just obedient——

After the person left, Tian Xin made sure there was no one else in the room, so she sneaked into Sheng Shi's arms, tickled him with his hair, and giggled, "Sheng Shi, wake up when you've had enough sleep, get up..."

no response……

Guess it too - he will never pretend to be asleep.

Could it be that he fell asleep all the time because he felt uncomfortable.

Or wait, if he really can't wake up, then go to the national teacher for help!
Looking at the big palm that has been holding her tightly, a feeling of warmth flows through the bottom of my heart, Sheng Shi, thank you for being with me, wake up quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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