Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 549 You Shut Up For Me

Chapter 549 You Shut Up For Me

"I guess it won't be long before a few brothers will come. If you don't wake up, I won't be able to change clothes and wash up. Is it possible that you have to see everyone dirty..." Tian Xin said to herself depressed .

Lying on his chest and listening to the heartbeat, the strong heartbeat, the bottom of my heart gradually calmed down, and it was only seven or eight o'clock, and it was not time to get up.

Well, sleep a little longer.

He closed his eyes again and hugged Sheng Shi's waist tightly.

Suddenly, a big palm gently caressed her back, the hot palm woke up the drowsy person, Tian Xin jumped up, bit his lips, and kissed him delicately, "Shengshi , we're fine, I'm so happy."

"Hmm." Sheng Shi didn't want to move lazily, but the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, showing the joy in his heart.

"When did you wake up? You can sleep better than me. I almost fell asleep just now." Tian Xin lay directly in his arms, smiling happily, "Also, I just saw the Queen Mother and the King Father , They have already been here, I said that when you wake up, we will go to Qionghua Palace to pay your respects."

Sheng Shi opened his eyes and smiled softly, "Xin'er, don't forget about your husband if there are others." With a movement of his palm, he directly pressed down on her head, and gnawed carefully, "Otherwise I will punish you."

Tianxin giggled, hugged his neck tightly, bit down on him, and regained the initiative.

On the bed, when Sheng Shi just woke up, there was a kiss in full swing.

There are many kisses, and even the proficiency is increasing. Although every time it ends in a cup of prosperity, Tianxin always perseveres in exerting Xiaoqiang's spirit.

"Xin'er, let's-"

Mo Junyu was the first to rush in recklessly, his mouth was so startled that he could stuff a duck's egg, and a word stuck in his throat.Then, the smiles of Mo Junjin and the three of them froze, and their faces cramped.

see no evil--

"Wow, Fifth Sister is so perverted!—" Mo Junyu howled immediately, but the two of them on the bed didn't move, which made the other three even more angry.

The fan in Mo Junjin's hand moved quickly, and she was the first to step out, "Mo Tianxin, arrange everything for me immediately."

Mo Junxiao, who has always been only interested in government affairs, couldn't help but look away and walked out helplessly.

Mo Junying glanced at the interested Mo Junyu, slapped him on the forehead, and dragged him away.

Tian Xin's face turned red, and she was extremely embarrassed, but Sheng Shi's hand behind her head didn't move away, and she kept maintaining the posture of female superior and male inferior.

Sheng Shi looked at the closed door, a triumphant smile appeared in his heart, and his face just regained his composure, "Xin'er, you can come down now, it seems that these are your elder brothers."

"Ah! It's all your fault, it's you—me, it's you who made me lose face, I'm going to bite you to death—" Tian Xin yelled frantically.

The four people who stood outside her door and did not leave, especially Mo Junjin, walked away decisively.

"Second brother and third brother, you see that fifth sister is much more enlightened now." Mo Junyu had a smirk on his face, he didn't expect fifth sister to be so domineering.

"Second brother, why did you hit me!!"

"Xin'er still needs to be famous, shut up." Mo Junxiao put away his fan and walked away.

But he is more interested in the man who Tianxin is suppressing.

Even if he didn't look straight at the aura of self-importance just now, he still had this subtle feeling, but did Fifth Sister really tame that man? ——
(End of this chapter)

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