Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 573 An Object the Size of a Fingerprint

Chapter 573 Knuckle-sized object

Whether it was the time on Huangye Island or the Karl family, the people on Huangye Island were busy with training, so they had no time to give hormones to the chickens. Besides, the food of the Karl family was strictly controlled. She Think too much.

Tianxin picked up half a chicken and put it in front of Mo Junying, "Brother Wang, there are some things you can't think too much about, just let it be, and you don't have to worry about this chicken, so don't think about it, just try it." !"

Mo Junying was startled for a moment, then glanced at the already black chicken in his hand, and put it down.

Slowly picked up the chopsticks and tasted a slice, even though there was no seasoning to neutralize it, only some salt, but he still tasted delicious, a strange feeling.

Just now Tianxin said that he doesn't have to worry about a chicken...

Looking at Shengshi's leisurely and indifferent attitude again, I was shocked in my heart. Only after experiencing it will I feel that I don't care. If I haven't owned it before, I don't have the qualifications to say it.

It seems that everything in Shengshi is more complicated than what he thinks now.

What about the heart?

Is it because you never had feelings?That's why I cherish it so much?

"Very good." Mo Junying just tried to eat some, took the handkerchief, and casually intervened, knowing in her heart that this trip was not in vain.

"Eat something, Xin'er, I will leave the palace first."

Tianxin stuck out her tongue, but they won't move the fourth piece of each dish, Brother Wang ate four pieces just now.

She said softly, "Brother Wang, remember my gift..."

It is very meaningful.

Mo Junying nodded, his expression was always calm, and he walked out in silence.

Seeing him leave, Tianxin took another piece carefully and walked up to Binglan, "Open your mouth, don't refuse."

Binglan opened her mouth obediently, only the smell of meat remained in her mouth.

"It's delicious, but if Binglan can find someone to treat you like this, it's just that it's best not to stay in the palace, and get rid of my elder brothers in the palace, who are the father, or the guards and eunuchs, it's better to go out .”

Tian Xin said to herself——

But Bing Lan knelt down, very stubborn, "Princess, Bing Lan doesn't want to leave the palace, Bing Lan is willing to stay by your side forever."

She doesn't need those unreal illusions, as long as she can stay in the palace, even if she has been away for two years, she can still survive.

She lowered her head, but Tianxin could hear the determination in her words.

Will you stay with her forever?It may not be allowed!

Tianxin helped Binglan up with a smile, "Say something stupid, if you like to stay, of course I will do as you like, but don't blame me when the time comes..."

Bing Lan shook her head, expressing her determination.

Tianxin glanced at Shengshi helplessly, Shengshi just looked at Binglan indifferently, "Xin'er, are you driving people away?"

"How can..."




Mo Junying walked out of the palace gate, got into the carriage, and then opened the note that Tianxin stuffed. There were so many people in the palace, it seemed that she had a heart, or was this more important?

Glancing over, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Just put this thing in the Right Prime Minister's Mansion? ?

But Tianxin is so careful, he should first investigate what happened when Tianxin and the national teacher met today.

And what effect does this thing have.

When she handed this thing to herself, she was very serious, but she didn't tell him why...

Or wait for him to go to Chaoyang Palace tomorrow to ask for clarification.

Put the note in the car and burn it, then take out the things she gave, and look carefully, no one will be optimistic about the knuckle-sized objects, what kind of effect does it have...

(End of this chapter)

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