Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 574 Where Did You Go?

Chapter 574 Where Did You Go?
Put the font in the car and burn it, then take out the things she gave, and look carefully, no one will be optimistic about the knuckle-sized objects, what kind of effect does it have...

But since he promised to help Tianxin, let the hidden guards below go.

Think again, Tianxin's meaning...

The dark night was covered with stars, and a black shadow arrow flew across the sky of Yingcheng at the speed of an arrow, and went straight to the target location, Youxiangfu.

But he didn't notice that there were three elegant figures following closely behind him.

Stopped at an inconspicuous courtyard in the Right Prime Minister's Mansion, detonated it according to the method I had seen beforehand, then quickly retreated, and stood aside to check.


The ground under his feet trembled slightly, followed by a loud bang, which echoed over the entire Right Prime Minister's Mansion.

The black shadow hurriedly dodged outside the prime minister's mansion, avoiding the huge mushroom cloud area, and there was an incredible light in his deep black eyes.


Without caring too much, he immediately withdrew and left, and the guards of Yingcheng would come in a while, that was the real trouble.

Because of the deafening incident that happened in the Right Prime Minister Su's Mansion, followed by the sound of crying and panic, it spread to the entire west of the city and was affected.

It was still under the moonlight before Chaoyang Palace and Shengshihua, Tianxin could feel the loud noise coming from afar.

Tsk-tsk praised in his mouth, "It really is extraordinary."

"Your trouble is coming too." Sheng Shi said lightly.

"I'm living a very boring life. He's a good person. It's better than Su Jin, who doesn't bother to settle accounts with me now. Moreover, this kind of thing is a natural disaster. No one will believe that it's me. A strong little girl did it." A certain girl was born with a look of not being afraid of trouble, and the idea of ​​playing those bombs was once again in her heart.

Next time whoever provokes her again, she will directly blow up his old house.


In the Three Princes' Mansion, Mo Junying returned to the study with a sword and shadow kung fu, and had someone destroy the clothes just now, but the power of the explosion still reverberated in his mind.

He couldn't wait to enter the palace, and wanted to ask Tianxin clearly, what is this thing, where did she come from...

Such a great power is actually used in the Prime Minister's house, which is simply reckless.

When he opened the door, his feet suddenly stopped.

Outside the door, three gloomy people were blocking his door.

Mo Junying suppressed the confusion in his heart, and regained a calm expression on his face, "Brother Wang, brother Wang, why did you suddenly appear in my residence?"

"Third brother, should I explain where you went just now?" Mo Junyu also had a sullen face, but his palms were sweating coldly.

"I have been staying in the mansion, where can I go?" Mo Junying glanced at the expressions of several people, and they came very quickly, needless to say, he understood that they have been following him.

"Then where are you going now?" Mo Junxiao said in a bad tone.

If Junying has that kind of thing in his hand, why didn't he see it before, so they guessed it was Tianxin, he went to Tianxin's place tonight, and the surprise when he opened the door just now also showed that he didn't know about this thing at all power.

"Take a walk." Mo Junying raised his mouth slightly, and put down his hand holding the door frame, "You, on the other hand, didn't worry about me, the guard of the Three Princes' Mansion, and just rushed in."

With a wave of his hand, the people who had been hiding in the shadows withdrew one after another, dispelling the tense atmosphere.

"But what are you doing?"

"Third brother, we..." Mo Junyu was about to speak, but was stopped by two other people.

(End of this chapter)

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