Chapter 575

"Third brother, we..." Mo Junyu was about to speak, but was stopped by two other people.

"Third brother, I know it's Tianxin. The thing came out of your hands. I believe you are more curious about the power of that thing than we are, aren't you?" Very vigilant.

Mo Junying's face suddenly relaxed, and she took a few steps back to let them in.

Mo Junyu closed the door very consciously. This night, the lights in the study of the Three Princes' Mansion were not extinguished until dawn. They estimated that it was about the same time before they left. They came out of their own palace and went straight to the palace.

In the early morning.

On the Golden Luan Hall.

The Prime Minister on the right appeared in disgrace, crying so miserablely.

"Your Majesty, I beg you to thoroughly investigate this matter. My mansion has been badly damaged. The princess must be stubborn. She came here yesterday to warn the old minister. If there is no thorough investigation, how can the law of the country be rectified? The old minister would rather die in this hall." Above." Su Jin burst into tears, impassioned.

In the court hall, when they heard his words, they all whispered to each other to discuss.

"Did the little princess do it?"

"Improbable. I sent someone to inquire today. The sudden big hole in the mansion is several tens of feet long, and a right-hand man's mansion is on the verge of collapse, with heavy losses."

"I also think that the little princess is impossible, but I heard from Mr. Right that the little princess threatened him yesterday..."


Mo Aofeng's face was even more serious than ever before, and he said angrily, "Your Prime Minister, do you have evidence?"

"The veteran will definitely find evidence if there is no evidence, but the princess did threaten the veteran yesterday. The king didn't believe it, so she can bring her here. We confronted each other back then." Maybe if Tianxin comes, something will really happen...

Mo Junjin and others expressed concern.

"Father, I don't think Tianxin did it." Mo Junying stepped forward and reported seriously, "I sat in Chaoyang Palace for a while yesterday, and when I left the palace, the gate of the palace was closed, and something happened to Xiang's mansion." By then, it was getting late, and it was even more impossible for Xin'er to leave the palace after that."

Mo Aofeng's face suddenly softened again, "Prime Minister, this matter should be handed over to the Department of Criminal Affairs, and we can rest assured to wait for the result."

"Your Majesty, the old minister insisted on confronting the princess. If she doesn't do it, doesn't it mean that other people won't do it?" Su Jin gritted his teeth and cried out, his heart darkened.

"Hey, a few days ago, the princess ordered the old minister to calculate the power of the sky and the country. The old minister did it, but the princess said that she has always been at odds with the right minister and wanted to have a relationship with the prime minister, but the right minister misunderstood it." Zhong Ziyan said this. Slowly raising her eyes, she said in a cold voice, "Princess has a heart, should Xiangye reflect on it?"

Zhong Ziyan! !
The fists in Su Jin's wide sleeves were tightened suddenly, his clothes were covered with dust, and he rushed to complain before he even had time to wash up.

It's just that Tianxin is afraid to quibble in front of everyone again and get away with it.

Mo Aofeng's face relaxed slightly, and he scanned the officials below, but no one jumped out to object.

"This matter is still handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs for investigation and clarification. Give the right minister an explanation, and at the same time return Princess Tianxin's innocence."

It's not that he didn't hear the discussions of the officials below.

If he didn't say that, Su Jin's face would be embarrassing, but today Su Jin's gang didn't jump out, which was beyond his expectation.

Looking at Mo Junjin and the other four, a flash of light flashed in the depths of his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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