Chapter 580
Seeing her looking at the bronze mirror, Ning'er took out a small piece of mirror while Ning'er opened her mouth wide, "Mother, look at this, so you can see yourself clearly, it's fun!"

Yuan Yan looked at the person in the mirror and was taken aback, it was such a clear portrait.

"Xin'er, did you bring these back from that place?"

Tianxin nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "And I have learned a lot, I will tell you in detail in the next few days."

Put down the bag in your hand.

"Ah, I see." Tian Xin bluffed suddenly, she finally knew what kind of clothes were suitable for this kind of jewelry, and she went back to draw it in a while.

Yuan Lai patted her little head, full of pride in her heart, sighed, destined to be unusual, as long as she is happy, what else can I ask for.

Under Yuan Yan's gaze, Tianxin stuck out her tongue and said mysteriously, "Queen, do you want to see the world I went to? My friend collected a lot of pictures for me...

That's what I said to show you last time. "

"Yang Nuannuan?" Yuan Yu smiled softly, she remembered what Tianxin said, they talked for a long time that day, this was her favorite woman besides Binglan.

Tian Xin nodded.

This time, she didn't rummage through it. She took out the not-so-thick album with her fingers lightly, and put it in Yuan Yu's hand, "Mother, please take a look."

"This child is just like what you said." Yuan Yu looked at her incredulously, and tried to open it.

It's just that on the first page, I was so amazed that I couldn't even stand still, and my eyes were wide open.

Tian Xin hurried forward and told her in detail about these things, the locations where they were filmed, and the experience of talking about the dry mouth for the first time last time.

What she said was very interesting, and Yuan Yu had imagined it in his heart, but he didn't know how it was so shocking to see it with his own eyes.

He simply put down other things, sat on the side with Yuan Yu, and flipped through the pages, even after Ning'er glanced at it twice, his eyes seemed to be glued to it, and he couldn't bear to move it away.

In Qionghua Palace, Tianxin spit.

I was having a great time presenting treasures, when suddenly the four of Mo Junjin walked in, and there was a slow prosperity behind them.

She suddenly stopped talking, Sheng Shi should have helped her explain clearly.

Yuan Yu didn't look away from the album, and didn't notice them coming in, he was only shocked——

Tian Xin was thinking about how to speak.

It's just that the next moment, several people looked at her bags scattered on the table at the same time, their gazes were absolutely eager to see through her bags.

But he was worried about his presence, and this was Qionghua Palace, not Chaoyang Palace.

"See the queen mother." The four spoke in unison.

"See the queen." Sheng Shi.

After a long time, Yuan Yan suddenly looked away from the picture book. The clarity of the picture book seems to suck people in, the beauty is suffocating.

His gaze was directed at the prosperous world around them, and his eyes were complicated.

He said lightly, "Excuse me."

"Xin'er, we want to see what you gave third brother yesterday, won't you refuse even this small request?" Mo Junyu's face was full of anticipation, the goal of the few people was her bag, It's just that I didn't get the owner's permission...

Tianxin pouted, "What good do I have?"

The four vomited blood.

What they think is the best thing, but she was playing with it in the first place, which is even better for them...

Sheng Shi generously took Yuan Yu's gaze, and sat down beside her. His gaze was too complicated, and he glanced at the small album in her hand, and he probably understood a little bit.

"Okay, for the sake of my mother, I will force you to take a look..." Tian Xin got up, walked to the table, picked up the bag, reached out and took out a miniature bomb from the hidden pocket inside.

(End of this chapter)

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