Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 581 4 Children

Chapter 581 Four Children
"Okay, for the sake of the queen mother, I will force you to take a look..." Tian Xin got up, walked to the table, picked up the bag, reached out and took out the miniature bomb from the hidden pocket inside .

"Be careful, don't play around." Tianxin warned.

She didn't want to dig a big hole out of the palace, and this was the queen mother's bedroom. If there was a fire, they wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

After seeing the scene last night, the four of them immediately understood what she meant, and they hugged into a ball, staring at the thing the size of a thumb.

They all expressed doubts that they would not be lying to them.

But seeing Mo Junying's expression, he knew it was definitely not a fake.

But after watching it for a while, I felt that I was a demon.

Mo Junying first put it down for the three of them to look at, but walked to Tianxin's pile of scattered debris, all kinds of weird things, but he didn't know that these were really things for play.

A thing the size of a thumb has that kind of power, and he didn't touch it. If there are other things in danger...

Only then did he look up at Tianxin who was swinging his calf, and at the same time noticed the jewelry on Yuan Yu's body.

Surprise flashed across his eyes——

He is not the only one who is interested in her bag!
"Mother, did Xin'er show you something interesting?" Mo Junying glanced at the album in Yuan Yu's hand.

Before he finished speaking, Mo Junyu stepped forward and moved closer.

That expression looked like a ghost, and he almost screamed and ran out.

Seeing this, several other people moved over curiously.

Even Tianxin was squeezed out, and walked to the side of Shengshi aggrieved, seeing that no one put his hands on his shoulders directly, "You brought people here, so it's troublesome now."

"How did I know you were offering treasures here." Sheng Shi's mouth curved slightly, although he restrained the thought of pulling her into his arms for intimacy.

"Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?" Tian Xin narrowed her eyes.

"I'm sure, it's you, sure it's appropriate to scare them like this..." Sheng Shi only knew that she brought back the bag, but he didn't know what was stuffed inside.

I think that if I got Zhong Ziyan's permission that day, I don't think there will be only such a small bag.

Tian Xin immediately sat on the seat beside him, picked up the tea in his hand, and drank it in one gulp, "Since I brought it back, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later, the queen mother is still very happy with what I gave her."

Sheng Shi pursed his lips and smiled, "Even if it was bad, she would never say bad, wouldn't she?"

"You hate Shengshi, why do you want to hit me, I am very happy to see my mother!" Standing up, he snorted coldly, "Ignore you."

Putting all the things from Table Mountain into the bag, he said to himself, "It's all of you, and the mother and the queen are talking about being happy!"

"Hey, hey, let me tell you four, this is the picture album I gave to my mother. Don't snatch it. If it's broken, how can you keep it?" Tianxin saw that the four of them were not satisfied with looking at it, so he went to look through it directly. The movements can be said is rude.

After half an hour.

There was still a lot of noise in the bedroom, these are four princes, they are obviously four children.

Tianxin looked at the arms propped up on the table and saw that they were still staring at the picture with great interest, "A good story meeting was ruined by these four guys."

After pouring a glass of water, Tian Xin realized that he was explaining dryly, while Sheng Shi was still pouring water and tasting leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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