Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 585 Get married!

Chapter 585 Get married!
"Is that all? I don't believe it. You don't need to hide it from me." Tian Xin didn't believe his rhetoric at all. They went there for more than an hour, and they only talked about this for so long. She is a child, she can be coaxed casually.

"Every change is the same, it's nothing more than to treat someone kindly, but Xin'er..." Sheng Shi suddenly stopped, and Tian Xin hummed softly.

Sheng Shi held her hand, and the moonlight poured on the faces of the two of them, which was extraordinarily gentle, "I took the initiative to bring up the matter of marriage, when is Xin'er planning to marry me?"

Carefully caressing the ring on her finger, it was a symbol of their love, and he wanted a child between them more.

Looking at each other, Tianxin's ears burst into enthusiasm, "Then what does my mother say?"

Sheng Shi hugged her by the waist, and a smile could easily be heard in his voice, "Of course she agrees, it just depends on Xin'er, it seems that there will be a lucky day next month?"

Tianxin broke free from his embrace suddenly, and asked suspiciously, "How do you know?"

Sheng Shi's face froze, and he flashed an unnatural look, "A few days ago, I accidentally saw it in the Library Pavilion, so I flipped through it. I think the queen would definitely like to see you get married, huh?"

Tianxin fell back into his arms again, with a very reluctant expression, "Well, since the queen mother wishes, let's get married!"

There was an exclamation, followed by giggles.

Tian Xin was happily carried back to Chaoyang Palace all the way, not to mention how happy she was, the queen agreed.

But in the bottom of his heart, he was planning, needless to say, the father, the brothers were too busy pestering her DV, so they would not take care of her marriage.

The key is……

They still don't know that the function of the prosperous age is the most frightening, the all-rounder——

Still go back to Mingyu Palace first, and then sneak back to Chaoyang Palace from there. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is also for Tianxin.

As for their marriage, it was proposed by the court the next day, and was strongly opposed by the right minister, but most people were afraid of what happened in the right minister's mansion. After all, it was only a few days later, so not many people expressed their attitude fierce.

As for Shengshi's identity, Zhong Ziyan still took over him, saying that he was a disciple and was surrounded by a great master, so everything didn't come naturally.

On that day, the news of the palace spread like wildfire, and the imperial list announced to the world that Princess Tianxin will get married in three months.

It was night, and the Youxiang Mansion was in a mess.

In the study, a black shadow flashed out.

"Prime Minister, Nan Wang's secret letter." Soi Ying offered it with both hands, and said, "Since Princess Tianxin is getting married in March, Nan Wang wants to act in March."

"I see, you report back and say that the master agrees." Su Jin spoke directly before opening the secret letter.

Heiying's cold eyes flickered and fluctuated slightly, and he was surprised at his straightforwardness, never before had he not pushed back and forth.

"Yes." A single voice came out, and the person disappeared into the silent study room.

Su Jin's eyes were dim and ruthless, and then he opened the secret letter, which contained the specific details of the attack. He just scanned it hastily, and immediately set the secret letter on fire.

Since the man in the palace is unkind, he cannot be blamed for being unrighteous.

It is absolutely impossible to hand over military power——

Under the night sky dotted with only a few sporadic stars, an imperial decree disturbed the hearts of countless people, and an undercurrent surged.

Chaoyang Palace.

"It's not that there will be an auspicious day in a month, why..." Tian Xin muttered, and then shut up quickly, because the smile on Sheng Shi's face was not flat.

(End of this chapter)

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