Chapter 586

"It's not that there will be an auspicious day in a month, why..." Tian Xin muttered, and then shut up quickly, because the smile on Sheng Shi's face was not flat.

"One month is not enough to prepare, because they want to give you the grandest wedding, and this is their favorite princess!" Sheng Shi leaned back on the chair leisurely, seemingly satisfied with her reaction.

Tianxin pouted and nodded, and also told her that she must have an unprecedented wedding, "It's not a prosperous age, so when we go back?"

This is something that is only said when the two of them are together.

She doesn't want to mention it for the time being, if he leaves, he will really leave, even if the national teacher has the ability to open the sacred object, the huge power that can be consumed will only increase his burden.

"After going back?" Sheng Shi saw through her thoughts at a glance, got up, came to her slowly, lowered his head and said seriously, "Of course we will get married again."

"Hee hee, it's just right, I'm willing to marry again." Tian Xin smiled and her brows and eyes were like spring flowers blooming.

"Even if you marry another [-] times, you can only marry me." Sheng Shi overbearingly bit his red lips, as if he was addicted and couldn't stop.


Sheng Shi had never felt that three months was such a difficult time, and in three more months he would be able to truly have his wife.

All this is like a dream, even if it is really a dream, there are only intoxicating thoughts left.

And for three months, he also had to control those restless factors. For them, it was a desperate move and another opportunity.

In his prosperous age, he would never give anyone a chance that he didn't want to give.


On the other hand, the city of Ying gradually became lively. After three months, the princess got married, and countless people waited to see the scene of thousands of people emptying the alleys. The people who poured into the capital every day were countless.

As the days go by, Sheng Shi puts half of his heart on political affairs, proposing various reforms suitable for Tianqiong, thousands of years of cultural heritage, what kind of dynasty is suitable for what kind of system, Sheng Shi knows better than Tianxin, just like Tianxin said , Shengshi is an all-rounder.

However, these reforms are just like what was discussed in history, because the interests of the common people are increasing, and the power of the royal family and nobles must be weakened, which has also caused many people to react desperately.

As for those who objected—

On the second day in court, he will definitely be impeached, and then piles of evidence of corruption and perverting the law will be in front of him, and his career will be ruined.

Although there were still a few ignorant people who didn't believe in evil, but after a few times, no one underestimated the son-in-law in front of them.

But Tianxin is free to draw drawings. She originally planned to design palace clothes for her mother, and then suddenly became interested in improving the existing clothes. However, after half a month, several drawings were released consecutively. It is very popular, especially when Princess Tianxin is getting married, the whole country is full of joy, and the clothing and accessories in the silk and satin village are in short supply every day, and they are making money every day.

So far, there has been another upsurge of clothing replacement in Tianqiong.

This sum was also recorded in the history of the Sky King.

In the imperial study.

After pondering for many days, the prosperous age still filled up the countless loopholes in the judiciary of the sky, and proposed countless water conservancy laws, taxation laws, economic laws and other legal provisions. Maximum development positivity.

The abolition of the aristocratic hereditary system proposed a few months ago is also included for reference only.

(End of this chapter)

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