Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 587: Everyone Shocked! !

Chapter 587: Everyone Shocked! !
The abolition of the aristocratic hereditary system proposed a few months ago is also included for reference only.

A few thin sheets of paper were placed on the dragon case, and Mo Aofeng was so emotional that his hands were trembling, as if seeing the heyday of the sky was already in his hands.

"Okay, okay!" He spit out several good words in succession.

Zhong Ziyan only smiled but did not speak. Compared with what he and Tianxin saw, what Sheng Shi personally experienced was much more, and he already had the demeanor of a king. People are very satisfied.

Shengshi is very clever in eliminating all factors that are not conducive to the centralization of the monarchy. This is what makes Zhong Ziyan most satisfied.

If Tianqiong is not developing rapidly there, everything cannot be copied.

"As for the selection of talents every year, I only need to dictate, and it is just a suggestion to Tianqiong Kingdom. Adopting the imperial examination system and using the test system to select talents will not only bring new blood to the country, but also attract more talents to enter the country. The sky." Sheng Shi just spoke lightly, like an emperor pointing the country, magnificent.

In just a few months, he had a thorough understanding of the situation in the Sky Kingdom.

Advice - just advice.

The ruler of a country does not need advice from others, so it is only a suggestion.

Although the imperial examination system has its drawbacks, it is a long-standing talent selection system, including the examination system that has been used all over the world today, and it is only an extension of the imperial examination system, so it is possible.

After a few clatters, the noble ministers sitting on the side, Mo Junjin and the others couldn't hold the cups in their hands, and everyone was shocked! !

There is only one thought in the mind of the noble minister, it's over.

However, as the national teacher, Mo Junjin and others who wanted to see the prosperity of the country, they were shocked. The three-month wedding was approaching, but every day they went on a roller coaster like this, their hearts raised their voices. eye once.

Every time is more exciting.

Today I was even more shocked that I couldn't even hold the cup in my hand--

From the previous curiosity, it seems that now the few people are already in admiration for this brother-in-law-to-be.

Tian Xin accompanies Yuan Yu every day, telling all kinds of weird stories. In the 21st century, she is like a sponge, absorbing it tirelessly. By this time, she has slowly squeezed out the water in the sponge, and someone has passed it on by word of mouth.

The photos taken from time to time are all kept as treasures in the Yuanlong Palace. Nothing is more touching than recording the bits and pieces of life.

Even if Tianxin is willing to help, she can't surpass the prosperity of the political affairs. Instead of that, she might as well record many things she has learned directly to enrich the lives of the people. One after another entertainment methods have sprung up among the people like mushrooms after rain.

In the past three months, reforms across the country have been carried out step by step. It is easy to say, but the implementation of any system is not an easy task.

Because of Tianxin's wedding, the implementation of many systems is being postponed, but what has been announced to the world is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Official documents piled up like a mountain every day, not only Mo Junjin and the others were left in the imperial study every day, but Shengshi, who was the central task, couldn't escape, so the remaining half of his heart was divided into half, and he had to be strict at all times. Checking the preparations for the wedding, everyone is immersed in joy——

One day, Sheng Shi suddenly proposed to take Tianxin out for a stroll, and a certain woman was very happy.

It's just that after this stroll, he wandered outside the Right Prime Minister's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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