Chapter 597
Tianxin felt the impatience in the air around him so deeply, he shuddered suddenly, and raised his foot again to kick him off.

But Sheng Shi was prepared to catch her feet firmly.

Tianxin burst out laughing, "Hahaha——Don't scratch me, don't scratch me——"

"Should you still kick me?"

"No—not kicking anymore." She kicked.

The itch from the soles of her feet made her laugh uncontrollably, she burst into tears, "I said no to kicking, but you still let me go."

As soon as her ankles were loosened, she hurriedly backed away and shrank into a corner, "A gentleman speaks without moving, Shengshi, I am already your wife, you must listen to me."

Sheng Shi laughed when he heard the words, "Enen." He wanted to use both his hands and his mouth.

"Then you sleep here obediently." Tianxin raised her chin and pointed to the place beside her. She still wanted a meat pillow, and besides, she had no place for him to sleep after driving him away.

Sheng Shi lay on the side according to her wishes.

As if looking at his obedience, Tianxin thought for a while, jumped out of bed and blew out the lights, and then climbed up, feeling comfortable, pulled the quilt over, and fell asleep.

After a long time, Sheng Shi didn't move anymore, Tian Xin finally let go of his heart, put his arms around his waist again, yawned, and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Suddenly, there was a faint joy in my heart for no reason, mixed with disappointment.

Is Sheng Shi really obedient?

Maybe she was tired, so she should rest quickly. From now on, she could comfortably sleep with Shengshi in her arms every day, and he didn't have to run between Mingyu Palace and Chaoyang Palace.

After thinking about it for a moment, he seemed to feel that he was stepping on the critical point of falling asleep, and suddenly there was a wet feeling on his face, but he didn't have the mind to pay attention to him.

Continue to sleep on your own.

Don't care about this feeling.
For the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, Does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for life Safety, this paragraph is omitted and does not affect reading——
I don't know how long it took, the movement stopped suddenly, Tianxin groaned softly, and opened his eyes slightly.

Shengshi's bewitching voice came with a warm breath, "Xin'er, are you afraid of me? Did you avoid me just now because you were afraid of me?"

Tianxin would never admit that he was afraid, and proved her answer with actions, wrapping around him like a koala, relieving the weakness released from his body, with deep affection.
The group shared that the requirements of Shimizu must be met——
(End of this chapter)

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