Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 598 Careful Care

Chapter 598 Careful Care

Tianxin would never admit it.

"Look! You are scared and nervous..." Sheng Shi said in a low voice.

Feeling her sudden relaxation, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and no one could see anyone in the dark.

Unknowingly all night, when dawn breaks, until noon.

After noon, Tianxin was awakened by the wet feeling in her belly!


When she opened her eyes, Sheng Shi was already lying on the side quietly waiting for her to wake up.

"Shengshi, I'm hungry, feed me."

The thin soft voice is simple coquettish, the wife is coquettish to her husband, Tianxin looks at him wronged.

"It is my fault."

Tianxin's face became hot!
"I don't blame you, but I'm hungry now. When is it? It's been quiet in the bedroom." Tian Xin smelled the familiar and reassuring smell, and felt satisfied in his heart.

Sensing that the light coming in from the window outside the tent hurt the nerves in his eyes, Sheng Shi let her go.

"In the afternoon, around one or two o'clock." Tucked the quilt up for her, and said, "I'll get you something to eat, and I'll go to the imperial study later, it seems to be Nan Wang's place."

Tianxin's face became hot, and she retracted into the quilt, leaving only a pair of eyes to look at him timidly, "Then you go."

Afterwards, Sheng Shi went out for a while, probably because lunch was already prepared, but she hadn't woken up yet.

Shengshi propped up Tianxin's back, and then blew the hot air of the food carefully, and fed it carefully. Half an hour passed before he knew it, and the exquisite soup spoon scooped up the body-replenishing soup and fed the last mouthful.

"We'll eat later, you should rest more, and I'll be back during dinner."

Tianxin nodded when he heard the words, and closed his eyes very tiredly.

Sheng Shi sat beside her for a long time, until her breathing gradually eased, then he got up and left.


"Father, for the current plan, we only need to send troops quickly to continue to reinforce!"

"We haven't figured out how many troops Nanwang has and how many he sent, so how can we make a hasty decision?"

"However, the news will not arrive until half a month later. This is not just a delay of the fighter plane. A little carelessness will cause heavy losses to our army!"

In the imperial study.

There was such a deathly silence that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

after that.

It was another argument of each point of view, which was at a stalemate.

Some people think of the newly married princess and son-in-law, but even the tea ceremony in the morning has been postponed, and the officials in the imperial study have rushed over immediately after getting the news yesterday, and they have not had time to return to their homes until now. trip.

In Qionghua Palace, Yuan Yu anxiously waited for the news, while Ning'er comforted her.

"Queen, with the king and son-in-law here, nothing will happen."

Although it is a word of relief, Yuan Yu still came to the prosperous age first, but Tian Xin just got married yesterday, so he should be by her side this time.

"Has the national teacher entered the palace?" Yuan Yan's voice was serious, and his beautiful eyes were lowered with anxiety, but he was helpless.

"The national teacher disappeared yesterday, and later I heard that he has been at the observatory, but he hasn't gone yet."

"Queen." The maid who suddenly ran in from the outside took a breath and replied: "Queen, I saw the son-in-law went to the imperial study just now, you can rest assured."

He went to the royal study?

Although Yuan Lai was worried about Tianxin's side, he looked at the sky at the moment and didn't say much. Once a war broke out, it would damage the national strength. We should first settle the affairs of the previous dynasty, otherwise there would be no peace in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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