Chapter 606
"Xin'er is actually very selfish, but I hope the queen mother will let go. Xin'er believes that the prosperous age will protect me." Tian Xin tried her best to restrain the impulse in her heart. If she subdues, it means that she will stay in the palace alone for January and March. , half a year or even longer.

"Xin'er believes that the empress mother can know the kind of suffering. Although the battlefield is bitter, it will not be more painful than leaving the one you love." Tianxin looked at Yuan Yu with firm eyes, "Mother misses me, and I came back for you." , but Tianxin's heart can no longer accommodate the whole country, with Brother Wang here, Tianxin doesn't need to worry anymore, it is Xin'er's responsibility to care for her husband and teach her children, I don't want my husband to just abandon me like this, please mother and queen. "

Yuan Yan let go of the hand that was holding the corner of the table, and put his five fingers into his sleeves.

She was asking for a mother, not her identity, not a queen.

From the standpoint of a mother, she cannot ask Tianxin to stay. She is already married, and for 20 years, she has always understood that one day, a certain scene that once flashed in her mind became real, and how to face it.

She is no longer alone, and if there is an accident in Tianxin during this period, it can only be said that Shengshi is so good that even the king of a country is uneasy, but she thinks of that conversation, Shengshi As I said, maybe one day they will leave suddenly, because no one knows the way in the future.

At that time, she understood that Tianxin was no longer a child, she had someone she cherished, and someone who regarded her as her life.

"The queen mother just wants to say, take care all the way, and remember to come back after the war is over." Yuan Yu's eyes were full of reluctance and nostalgia, but he had to let go.

It's just that she said that there were thousands of reasons in her heart for keeping her, but none of them were enough to mention.

Because she is Tianxin's mother——

Also the mother of a nation!
Tianxin's request cannot be rejected, or in other words, forcing her to stay will only be counterproductive, and Shengshi is the one the king is worried about.

"Of course." Tian Xin returned to her usual restless appearance, shaking her head and tail, and said with a smile, "Xin'er will miss her mother and everyone, and pray day and night for the prosperity of my Heavenly Kingdom."

Yuan Yu walked over and held her hand, "If you can't bear it, come back, don't be brave."

Tian Xin curled the corner of her mouth and nodded, "Yeah."

"Shengshi treats you badly, as long as you tell me, your father and I will not be able to forgive him."

"Yeah." Tianxin pressed her hand gently, and seemed to be able to find some warmth. The dependence many years ago no longer existed, or she had put that feeling of dependence on another person.

her husband--

A prosperous world devoted to her.

"The queen mother will take care of your luggage for you. Don't worry, there will be a special inn to take care of you along the way—I don't know when we will meet again." Yuan Lai fondled her forehead, just like when she was a child When she was crying, just put her hand on her body and pat her a few times, Tianxin would stop crying immediately.

Tianxin only nodded. She didn't want to leave Yuan Lai alone, but she didn't want to let Shengshi go out alone. The queen mother had her father, the second brother and the third brother, and she would send back news all the time... …

So she could only choose to say goodbye happily, with a bright smile on her face, and said coquettishly, "Xin'er thanked the queen mother for her understanding. This is also a kind of love, maternal love, and Xin'er's gratitude to the queen mother, so the queen mother wants to accept it. Down."

(End of this chapter)

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