Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 607 3 days later

Chapter 607 Three days later
Yuan Yan smiled helplessly.

It's hard to avoid a strong reluctance to get cheap and act like a good boy.

Xin'er, you must take good care of yourself. It is the queen mother who is sorry for you, but the imperial edict has been issued, so there is no room for turning around. Forgive your father and queen.

Yuan Yu said in his heart——


three days later.

The gate of Yingcheng.

The leader, Mo Aofeng, and the queen, Yuan Yu, looked at the [-] troops below the tower from a distance, and Mo Aofeng bid farewell to the army in person.

"All officers and men listen to the order. This is to quell the rebellion and show our country's prestige!" The magnificent voice spread out with absolute momentum, like a thunderbolt in the sky, exciting, and spread among the [-] troops.

"Show off our country's prestige!"

"Show off our country's prestige!"


The 10 people roared in unison, shaking the sky and the ground beneath their feet trembling.Yuan Lai looked at the magnificent carriage in the army, which was incomparably complicated, as if he was about to lose it again. He watched his beloved daughter gradually go away, but he was powerless to keep her. Can't stop it.

Xin'er, the queen mother blesses you——

Just have a good time.

Following Mo Junjin's order, the army's team moved forward, and the canopy also began to move slowly into the distance, getting farther and farther in sight, and finally submerged in the army.

Even if she couldn't see it, Yuan Yu still didn't leave for a long time, she could still see the direction of the army, and there was her heart in it.

According to the history of King Tianqiong, in the 25th year of Chongyuan, the army to crusade against the King of Nan went out, accompanied by the princess. Afterwards, the princess put forward countless strategies to defeat the enemy in the battle of defeating the King of Nan, which made this two-year life miserable. The war is over.

In the southern part of the Sky Kingdom, there is a town called Anpu Town, which is the nearest town to the Nanwang Dajun area at this time.

A low-key carriage was driving on the deserted street, the curtain of the carriage was lifted slightly, revealing the face of a woman from Xiaojiabiyu.

"Miss, we have already arrived in Anpu Town, but most of the gates here are closed." Bing Lan said, then retracted her head, "Shall we go to the station first?"

"No need." Tian Xin shook her head.

The army was running fast, and she had to worry about Binglan's body being overwhelmed, so she slowed down her speed. It took the army more than half a month to reach the front line, and they had been stopping and going for almost a month and a half.

"Let's find an inn, and someone will follow us every day when we go to the inn."

Binglan stuck out her tongue and showed a mischievous smile, "Okay! But miss, this is a battlefield, we can't just wander around anymore."

"Of course I know." Tian Xin squinted.

Even if she doesn't think about herself, she still has to think about Bing Lan around her. This is a veritable rookie.

"Miss, I didn't intend to drag you down, but you promised to take Binglan with you, and besides, my uncle just took a step ahead, and I will deliver a letter to him when we get there." Binglan flattened her mouth aggrieved.

Tian Xin yawned, if it wasn't for the retreat of brother Wang, she wouldn't let Sheng Shi leave.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. Let's see if there is an inn open. Let's find an inn to stay in. I'm going to lose my waist."

Binglan peeked at her, as long as she wasn't angry.

Sweeping the pitiful look on his face, he stuck out his head, but after a while, he heard the outstretched head scream, "Miss, there is an inn, there is an inn, and it looks very good, we can finally rest our feet .”

"Li Xin, let's stop at the inn ahead instead of going to the station." Tianxin's crisp voice sounded in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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