Chapter 819

"Sister, tell me! Do you want to take the first place in the school again this semester?"


"..." Sheng Tian.

"It's a pity that I'm not as versatile as my brother. I can be a man of the year at the beginning of the year, and I can also make a fortune at the end of the year." Yang Wang smiled with emotion.

Still avoiding the topic, he smiled lightly, "Didn't Mommy tell you to play, besides, who can stop Xiao Yang from doing what she wants to do?"

"Yeah, my job is to play—

But I really want to make Mommy happy, and there are some people who are just looking for trouble, people can't help but do it. "Looking up and laughing, I don't care.

There was still a serious flash of astonishment.

Xiao Yang decided to do this because of these two reasons?

It turned out to be like this...

Still finally understand why she willfully exposes her own strength, and wants to do her best...


Going home is such a luxury for the previous look up.

A purple luxury convertible car slowly drove into Jinhua Villa, but after a while, the car stopped, and two women and a man walked out of it, just like boys and girls walking out of fairy tales.

Tian Xin stretched out her hand with a smile on her face.

Yang Wang immediately stepped forward for a big hug, and took a deep breath, "Ah~ It feels good to be on vacation, mom, I'm actually on vacation..."

Tian Xin and Sheng Tian still glanced at each other, and said with a light smile, "Bad girl, it's not that you come back in the morning, your father and I have been waiting all morning."

"Mum, it's not like you don't know that people like to sleep in. You're so tired these days..." Yang Wang let go of her mother's waist, and pulled her inside.

"Oh? What have you been up to these days..."


Sheng Tianhe still smiled helplessly.

It's time for a family to get together again on the weekend, and the three brothers and sisters go home to enjoy their family affection to the fullest.

Every weekend, my mother always cooks their favorite food, and waits for the family to sit together and talk about recent events.

"Mum, you see that Xiao Yang has come back with so many medals this time, shouldn't he be rewarded?" Still holding his favorite fruit-flavored tea, he said happily.

"Of course there are rewards, but I want to ask Xiao Yang what she wants? I don't give anything she wants, huh?" Tian Xin cast her eyes on someone.

Looking up and laughing, "I want Mommy the most, but Dad won't give it to me."

After a pause, he said mysteriously, "I really want to take Mommy as my own. Is this request acceptable?"

Everyone pursed their lips, and the three eyes looked at her with contempt.

What a big appetite!
With a dangerous smile on the corner of Sheng Shi's mouth, he didn't speak, but when his eyes swept over everyone, everyone already knew his answer.

Competing with father and mother is definitely looking for abuse.

None of the three children dared to try, even Yang Wang back then didn't have the courage.

What's more, he is still a half-boss now, as for Sheng Tian and Yiran, they don't even know it.

"What do you want me to do? Tell you to come back and not come back. If you come back, you can look at me all the time." The corner of Tianxin's mouth showed a warm arc. For her, there is nothing like a family reunion. Happy.

Yang Wang left home at the age of seven, and they didn't spend much time together, even if they wanted to, they didn't have the opportunity.

After so many years, she finally enjoyed the joy shared by her little daughter.

This does not agree with her brilliant achievements. Behind those victories, she paid the price of blood, but the things in school, this feeling is like going back to Yang Wang when she was a child, and she walked towards her with an award...

(End of this chapter)

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