Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 820 Mother's Life Experience

Chapter 820 Mother's Life Experience

This does not agree with her brilliant achievements. Behind those victories, she paid the price of blood, but the things in school, this feeling is like going back to Yang Wang when she was a child, and she walked towards her with an award...

But in her image, Yang Wang has always been mischievous in school, disobeying the teacher is the lightest thing.

When it was the turn of the exam, it was even more of a mess.

When I brought it up, I looked up and planned to deal with it, and said coquettishly, "Is it possible that I live in the school, and my brother and Yiyi are back, and I am back, Mommy, don't talk about others~"

"Yes, yes, my little Yangwang is the best." Tian Xin praised without hesitation.

Looking up and leaning on her shoulder, she smirked a few times and pouted, "Mum, didn't you say, let's come back and take some photos, what are you going to do?"

Seeing my parents looking at each other, I immediately felt something tricky.

"Do you have a secret?" She asked curiously.

Tianxin smiled relievedly, and nodded her little nose lying on her body, "Of course, this is not to tell you, when Xiao Yang comes back, you have all grown up..."

Hearing this, he still looked at Sheng Tian and became interested.

Sheng Shi swept over the three of them, and said lightly, "Aren't you curious about your mommy's life experience?"


The three looked at each other.

Because Yang Wang is often not in City C, maybe he hasn't noticed it yet, but Sheng Tian and Sheng are still different, they are always by their parents' side.

Behind his father was the most prosperous Karl family in country X, that is to say, they were part of the Karl family, but they never mentioned their mother.

Not only that, but after a period of time, the two of them would remain secretive, but if their parents didn't want them to know, they wouldn't take the initiative to investigate.

After all, everyone has their own privacy.

"Mommy, you..." Still looking at her curiously.

Yangwang suddenly remembered that on Huangye Island, everyone called her the little princess. Once, Miaozhu said, your mommy is a princess, and your dad is the master of the underworld. Aren't you a little princess?

This title, almost in the last century, has been rare.


She thought about it too, but she didn't figure it out.

"Mum, are you going to tell us that Xiao Yang likes you the most, if you don't want to tell my brother and sister, you can tell Xiao Yang~"

Looking up and tilting his head, hanging on her arm, the bright colors in his eyes.

Tianxin looked up, as if seeing herself back then, but she was more determined and cuter than her!

The corner of the mouth curled up, picked up a book on the table, opened it gently, and pulled out a photo or something...

The three of them just stretched their necks, but they didn't see anything.

Because it is facing upwards.

"If we say that Mommy didn't belong to this world..." Tian Xin pinched the picture in his hand, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Gently put it on the table.

Yang Wang immediately stretched out his hand, "Be prepared, Mommy, I won't be polite."

The photo was looked up and taken away in advance. Facing the afternoon sun, the photo exudes brilliant brilliance, even though it is an old photo for many years.

Tianxin scanned the photo, as if he could still remember everything back then, it was so real.

This is her mother's bedroom...

That's a picture of their family...

Sheng Tianhe was still immersed in his mother's words.

not of this world...

===The sixth update, and the fourth update is working hard, trying to update it, okay===
(End of this chapter)

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