Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 821 Love is Simple and Not Easy

Chapter 821 Love is Simple and Not Easy

Sheng Tianhe was still immersed in his mother's words.

not of this world...

so what!

The way Sheng Tian looked at his father became strange.

Still looking curiously at Yang Wang, "Xiao Yang, can you show me...?"

She swallowed.

After living for nearly 20 years, she suddenly told her that her mother is not from this world, but which world is that? What is going on in this?
These questions rushed into the hearts of the three of them in an instant, and their hearts were raised in their throats, at a loss...

Looking up at the person in the photo, and then at the mother beside her, her eyes suddenly widened in surprise, "Mummy, this is you...but where is this..."

She has been comparing and discovering the subtleties in it in surprise.

The long-haired beauty in costume in the photo is her mother, so what about the people around her!

It is strikingly similar to her, especially the gorgeously dressed woman standing beside her mother...

All this is unbelievable.

Still seeing her shocked expression, she became even more curious about what was in that photo!
She said... this is you...

What do you mean again.

Before Yang Wang had time to make a careful comparison, the photo in his hand was taken away, and now the three siblings were surrounded, looking at the people in the photo, and kept looking at their mother...

A full 10 minutes.

Only then did they confirm that it was correct and the identification was completed.

This is really their mother!

"Mommy, are you dressed like this for a costume show?" Still suddenly getting angry, he thought to himself, why did she tell them about this at this time? Could it be that she wants to go back?

Although he said he didn't believe it, but he gradually believed it in his heart.

Because the authenticity of this photo really does not allow them to doubt it.

" won't leave us..." Looking up at the calm father, he was a little relieved after making sure that there was no abnormal expression on his face.

Touching Yang Wang's head, and then looking at Yi Yi, who was squeezing beside her, Tian Xin smiled lightly, "These babies are all here, where can I go? I just want to see you grow up, so I can tell you things. And this year I plan to record a DV for the whole family and send it back, don't worry, I'll tell you slowly..."

Seeing a few children suddenly getting anxious, Tian Xin couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, if she is going to leave now, even if she looks up and hugs her leg, she will not agree, not to mention there is still a soft one, looking at Sheng Tian over there, looking directly at Sheng Shi, it seems that she is thinking what...

Tian Xin intends to tell them all about her life experience, just because she thinks they can know it and don't need to cover it up.

Throughout the afternoon, the whole family sat together and chatted, but this time it was a little different, Tianxin was always talking, while the three brothers and sisters sometimes frowned and sometimes breathed a sigh of relief...

By the time the sun set, Tianxin had already explained the matter briefly.

From how she came here to returning from another world many years ago, the ups and downs are self-evident.

The sunset in the evening shone on the five of them with the light of happiness, and they still held on tightly to Wang Wang, for fear that if they let go, the people and machines around them would disappear.

Never thought that their mother would suddenly disappear one day.

Such a scene of heaven and earth falling apart is unimaginable.

In the eyes of the three children, especially Wang Wang, his father's attitude towards his mother is always so enviable, but they don't know what price is behind this, in exchange for the trust and sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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