Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 822 Everything is not easy

Chapter 822 It's Not Easy
In the eyes of the three children, especially Wang Wang, his father's attitude towards his mother is always so enviable, but they don't know what price is behind this, in exchange for the trust and sacrifice.

After the story was told, the three of them froze in place, looking at their father with a bit of admiration.

"Dad, you're so amazing." Looking up at Dad, his eyes were full of admiration.

To be able to chase his wife to an unknown dynasty is really No.1 in history!
Without Dad's persistence, there would be no them, no such happy family.

Realizing this, even Sheng Tian's eyes on Sheng Shi became extremely special.

"'s really not easy." Sheng Tian's understanding of his father's perseverance has reached another level.

More than just a superman, he is simply a fighter among supermen.

As expected of being the master of Huang Ye.

In this regard, he is willing to bow down!

"Mum, every time you ask me to take those family portraits, is it because you want to send them back? Then why didn't you tell us earlier that it would be good to satisfy the children's curiosity!" Still hugging Tianxin's arm coquettishly .

She believes that all this is innate.

She just has such parents, such brothers and sisters, and everything like this.

Only now do I know that if I made a wrong step at the beginning, the ending now is different.

So she understood why Mommy always made them believe in themselves and do one thing firmly. If they believe in it, they should do her well.

At this point, she did not look up to do well.

Sheng Shi said lightly, "I just love her, isn't the reason simple enough?"

I just love her...

Isn't that simple enough?
Many years later, when the three of them encountered emotional problems, they realized how much Sheng Shi had paid for saying those words!How much more harvested!
Tianxin's cheeks were slightly red, and she looked at her husband affectionately.

Even after so many years, they still have the same relationship as before, and the family relationship has not changed.

She knew that a large part of it was due to Shengshi.

He is always working hard to maintain this happy family and give her everything she wants most.

He used his whole life to fulfill his promise to her and never broke his promise.

In the sunset, the family talked happily, this is the happiness between them.

When night fell, after a delicious and happy dinner, Yang Wang sneaked into his parents' room again, but was thrown out mercilessly by Sheng Shi.

"Xiao Yang, why are you here?" As soon as Sheng Tian opened the door, he saw Yang Wang standing at the door angrily, wishing to burn a hole in his parents.

"Hmph, I still want to chat with Mommy..." Yang Wang pouted while holding the doll in his hand.

At first, I thought that being cute would at least arouse my father's conscience, and let her accompany Mummy tonight without being thrown out, but she was still treated horribly...

Sheng Tian walked over and put his hands in his trouser pockets, "You don't want to disturb Mom and Dad, it's not like you don't know Dad!"

It's completely self-defeating.

Shengtian is worth it, why does dad always grit his teeth and look gloomy when they take over Mommy...

"It's really domineering, isn't it just a whole night, he kept it like that, and in the afternoon, he still said it well." Yang Wang said depressed.

She still couldn't understand Daddy.

"Okay!" Sheng Tian smiled and saw her pouting, "If you can't grab it, why don't you go back and do something you want, or if you have nothing to do to harass your group of friends..."

(End of this chapter)

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