Chapter 832
"Xiao Yang..." Wen Xiaowei drove the car in front of her, waved to Yang Wang, and beckoned her to get in the car.

After such a commotion, it was already ten o'clock.

"It's still too late to go back now, don't be too late, even the door of the dormitory can't get in."

Yang Wang was thinking about Ling Hao, and being urged by Wen Xiaowei, he suddenly remembered that the dormitory would lock the door at night, so he had better go back early.

Both of them are not in the dormitory, and if they stay outside, they will also be deducted points...

Especially that messy student union who likes to get involved in everything.


Three steps merged into two steps, got into the car, and the two drove straight towards the school.

I didn't bring it out today, but I checked my phone, and I still called her...

He simply called back and said that he was fine and just went out for a stroll with Wen Xiaowei, then hung up the phone.

When I returned to the dormitory, I looked up and realized that I had already been possessed by the Sandman, and I still washed quickly, and then got into bed.

When Wen Xiaowei came out, she was already asleep, still snoring slightly.

Today's incident was unexpected, if she really did not return home at night, but spent the night at the police station, then she would be finished if she went back this week.

It's no wonder her parents didn't beat her to death.

Although the Wen family is not well-off, they can't tolerate her getting into trouble, which will affect her in the future to some extent...

Silent all night.

The next day, because there was no class, the two slept until after nine o'clock.

When Yang Wang turned on her phone, she saw the message Ling Hao sent her.

Looking up and glanced, it was just some boring jokes.

Is he bored to this point?

Biting her finger, she felt that if she didn't do anything, she was really sorry for her haggard heart after being tortured last night.

"Ling Hao, I'll give you 10 minutes to deliver the breakfast for me and Xiao Weiwei downstairs..."

Hit send and go straight to the shower.

She didn't care, if she didn't see breakfast after 10 minutes, or if she didn't see his person after she went down, then someone was really dead.

The sound of her washing was not loud, but it also woke up the fuzzy Wen Xiaowei.

"Xiao Yang, why did you get up so early today?"

Yang Wang looked at her in surprise, "No wonder you wake me up with such a small voice every time, did you wake me up?"

Just as Wen Xiaowei was about to shake her head, she heard her say, "Then wake up, it's already 09:30, I just found an errand runner to bring us breakfast, don't be so hungry, eat some at least."

Running errands?
Wen Xiaowei's head stretched out, curiously asked, "Is it An Yiyang?"

Looking up, he raised a finger and waved it.

"No, I just received it last night. He made me so miserable yesterday. From now on, we will have to deliver our breakfast himself!"



Wen Xiaowei was immediately confused, "Who are you talking about?"

She didn't see anyone last night?

"You don't need to understand, as long as you know, we will have full-time food delivery staff in the future."

Wang Wang didn't bother to explain.

The more you explain, the more annoying it is, so it's better not to say it.

Said it was a former friend, but she had no impression of Ling Hao at all...

Wen Xiaowei suddenly had the illusion of being imprisoned!
Ten minutes later, Yang Wang was downstairs in the dormitory, and saw someone carrying two breakfasts, smiling like a flower...

Ling Hao never thought that Yang Wang would let him buy breakfast, something that only boyfriends would do...

Just like now, everyone looks at the two of them differently.

(End of this chapter)

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