Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 833 Don't mind being mean!

Chapter 833 Don't mind being mean!
Just like now, everyone looks at the two of them differently.

However, Ling Hao still saw four words in the eyes of most people, the relationship between men and women.

Yang Wang took the breakfast in his hand as a matter of course, glanced at it, there was her favorite bacon pizza, two cups of soy milk, and some sweet pastries...

"Well, I think it's okay. If there is no class, breakfast will be handed over to you. You must be so serious every time. Do you hear me?"

She is like a superior giving orders to subordinates, with a businesslike look.

But this kind of looking up, in Ling Hao's eyes, is cute, and also a bit stupid.

"Understood, get up early in the future, so late, you can have lunch directly." There seemed to be a layer of obsessive indulgence in the voice, even looking up, I could feel it, and took two steps back in disgust.

A layer of goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Without even looking at him, he ran to the dormitory with his breakfast in his arms.

But in the eyes of others, it has become a shy gesture.

Ling Hao felt that yesterday's incident was really worthwhile. It happened suddenly, but he fully cooperated with his actions.

send breakfast...

If An Yiyang knows about this, there will be no trouble.

Regarding Yang Wang's attitude, An Yiyang has always been careful to pester him, but he doesn't know that Yang Wang actually doesn't like his distrustful feeling.

Not to mention looking up, no one likes others to question their abilities.

What's more, proud as looking up!
However, she would not deliberately mention this to An Yiyang, that would not count as helping her rival in love...

As he said, he has been paying attention to her for a long time...

From then on, except for the years when she disappeared, whether in reality or in the game, he has been paying attention to her for a long time...


As Ling Hao expected, within three days, An Yiyang knew about it.

The consequences of this...

It is simply the impact of a comet hitting the earth.

Looking up and watching An Yiyang's tireless courtship every day, just for the trivial matter of delivering meals.

She is obviously punishing Ling Hao, okay?
In the morning, who wants to get up to buy breakfast, it's not his own!

In a quiet classroom, today's homework is displayed on the electronic screen. After the teacher finished the lesson, he let them go and let them discuss freely.

Discussions, of course, are course-related.

But seizing this opportunity, An Yiyang came up again, and said pitifully, "Xiao Yang, can you give me the job of delivering breakfast..."

He immediately assured, "I must be a hundred times better than what Ling Hao did."

Wen Xiaowei held her head and muttered, "No. 18 times."

That's still the number of times she was present.

An Yiyang's patience, the people on earth can't stop it.

It turned out that Ling Hao who brought them breakfast every day, could it be that what happened that time had something to do with Ling Hao?
"Are you annoying? Isn't it just breakfast? It doesn't matter who delivers it. He offended me and was willing to work as a coolie. You didn't make a mistake!" Yang Wang let out a puff of cold air from his nose.

On An Yiyang's handsome face, a gloomy cloud that did not belong to him flashed across, and he looked gloomyly at Ling Hao at the side.

That look clearly says...

Well, Ling Hao, you actually use this method.

He's been asking questions for the past few days, but he didn't get a word out of it, damn it!
To use such a despicable method...

Cough cough, let's talk again!
In fact, he doesn't mind being mean!
(End of this chapter)

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