Chapter 844

The other ones stepped on them because they played games or slept on their stomachs every time they went to class.

Of course, she glanced casually because she was worried.

Looking up at my heart, there are ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past...

There is only one thought left in my mind, I have to take a make-up exam next semester, and thinking of the teacher who made up the exam, I look up to my head and have very strict requirements...

Undoubtedly, they are still number one in the school, and they are tied with Sheng Tian. They both have full marks...


I became famous again.

Jinhua Villa.

I packed up the things I needed the day before and sent them back, and today I was summoned back by Her Lady Queen...

"Xiao Yang, the review must be hard, come on, Mommy will prepare your favorite food for you..."

Mo Tianxin gently stroked her head, and said dotingly.

Looking up at the situation in school, how could she not know anything about it? She usually plays like crazy. She failed two courses last semester and one this semester. She has already made great progress.

There are an average of more than a dozen courses in each semester, that is to say, even if you look up to a genius, you have been struggling hard in the last month...

"Yeah, Xiao Yang has passed so much, it's a good job." Still holding chopsticks in his mouth, he said with a smile.

It was also rare for Sheng Tian to make a sound, "I also think it's really amazing that I didn't cause trouble to my parents."

Looking up at the rattling of teeth.

Don't forget to say a few words to comfort her.

"Mommy, Sheng Tian is such a slut, he spends all day flirting with little girls at school, you have to be careful, don't wipe his ass..."

Looking up was unhappy, and immediately complained.

Now, everyone's eyes turned to Sheng Tian.

"Xiaotian, you can't!"

"Brother, you can't!"

"Son, what do you want to do?" [Yang Wang: He wants to die. ]
There was a sentence written on everyone's face, and Sheng Tian finally couldn't keep his composure from some curious and lingering eyes, and laughed a few times, "Mom, you listened to Xiao Yang talking nonsense again, how could I?"

Immediately warned Yang Wang, "Xiao Yang, if you talk nonsense again, be careful that my brother will never help you again!"

Hmph, who told you to beat me~~
"Brother..." Yang Wang smiled wryly.

Of course, this was Shengtian's idea.

"Am I wrong? Why do I remember that many girls sent you love letters, but they all came to me around the corner!"

Sheng Tian narrowed his eyes dangerously, "It's not about receiving gifts, don't think I don't know, your motives are not pure!"

Looking up and sniffing, he said disdainfully, "That's not it, I'm helping you see if those people are sincere, but none of them are sincere...

Look at all the messy suitors you are..."

Still receiving her mother's questioning gaze, she looked helpless and shrugged, indicating that she didn't know.

One is an older brother, the other is a wild horse-like younger sister, she can't control either one.

"Shut up both of you, one handed in the collected gift, the other handed in the collected love letter, I'll give you an hour, no matter where it is, get it for me immediately..."

Her Lady Queen went into a rage and ordered to spit out the embezzled property and dirt.



Mo Tianxin stretched out a finger and shook it, "I spit it out an hour after the meal, or I will bear the consequences..."

After saying this, the two of them felt a murderous gaze, and the hairs on their backs stood on end.

Dad, do you want to protect your wife like this, this is your son and daughter...

(End of this chapter)

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