Chapter 845

After finishing dinner slowly, Sheng Tian and Yang Wang's gazes had been fighting each other for [-] rounds in the air, and no one would let the other.

"Let's finish eating, go to work after eating, one hour..."

As he spoke, he took off the watch on his white wrist and slapped it on the table.

"Wait..." the two said in unison.


"I haven't finished eating yet." They said in unison again.

Sheng Shi elegantly put down the knife and fork in his hand, and said lightly, "Since you like to eat, then prepare a few more, and don't leave if you can't finish it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Wang and Sheng Tian put down their knives and forks.

"That... I suddenly found that I was full, so I left first."

Looking up and running out of the restaurant.

Sheng Tian rubbed his nose embarrassingly, "Mom, then I'll go too..."

Unable to bear Shengshi's oppressive eyes that see through you, the two fled in despair.

Still smiled lightly, "Mummy, I'm done eating too, so I'll go back first." [Yiran: I don't want to be a light bulb alone! ]
With that said, he got up and left.

When the children left, Sheng Shi's expression changed in an instant, as gentle as water dripping, "Xin'er, eat something first, it will take a while before they come back..."

Mo Tian held his chin in his heart and curled his lips, "It's not fun for them to grow up if they don't pay attention."

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of Sheng Shi's smiling eyes.


"I mean, am I old..."

"No, in my eyes, Xin'er is the most beautiful."

"Hee hee... Prosperous age... Does anyone know that you are so nasty?" Mo Tianxin stuck out his tongue lightly, and after more than ten years of precipitation, his clear water eyes became gentle and alluring, breathtaking.

Sheng Shi coughed a few times, "Don't you know?"


Still staggering a few steps, his head felt hot, and when he walked out of the restaurant, he intentionally mumbled at the door, but he didn't expect to hear such a shocking conversation. .

All right!This immunity is not bad enough!


After that, within an hour, Yang Wang made a special trip back to the dormitory, and Sheng Tian was the same, except that one was scraping everywhere in the dormitory, and a trash can and an inconspicuous corner of the dormitory were flipping through in a mess...

An hour later, the two each carried a large bag of things, stood at the door of a queen's room in Jinhua Villa, glared at each other, knocked on the door, put down their things, and quickly left.

As a result, the next day, Her Lady Queen grinned strangely when she saw Sheng Tian.

I looked up at my face and twitched with a smile...


The next day, Yang Wang asked for leave.

Mother, I'm going on a tourist trip, and by the way, I'm going to investigate some personal matters...

With Her Lady Queen's permission, Yang Wang ran away quickly, Sheng Tian was brought closer to the Sheng Group for an early internship, and the rest was still the most leisurely.

Ling Hao left on the same day, and the two of them took the same flight, just in order not to let him find out, looking up to his superb refitting skills, and following behind him all the time...

On the plane, I didn't expect to be bloody, but I bought a ticket with consecutive numbers...

Looking up and sitting beside Ling Hao calmly, but in the bottom of his heart, he was in an infinite frenzy, praying that he would not show any flaws.

On the plane, Ling Hao glanced around from time to time, but couldn't help but frown when he didn't see the person he wanted to see...

Didn't she follow...

He guessed that with Yang Wang's personality, he would never give up easily, and he didn't want to come with him, probably because he wanted to follow secretly, which could be regarded as acquiescence!
(End of this chapter)

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