Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 877 Stop Lika!

Chapter 877 Stop Lika!

Seeing the towering palace behind him getting farther and farther away, looking up at the bottom of his heart, he let out a deep sigh of relief.

Standing on the high place of the palace, looking at the luxurious Bentley leaving in the distance, Ling Hao felt a lump in his heart unconsciously.

Recently, my emotions are too unstable, never before...

"Your Highness, this is the report from the laboratory..."

The bodyguard who followed behind him, that is, the bartender in City C, respectfully handed over a laboratory test report, and said, "This is an unknown drug, it is probably used to change a certain color itself, Probably eye color or something... But because the effect cannot last long, if it is soaked in tears for a long time, the salt in the tears may dissolve it..."

Ling Hao raised his fair knuckles, where there was still a little bit of blue.

Because he didn't know what was contaminated when he touched it, so in order to be cautious, he asked someone to check it.

Frowning, pensive...

A little while……

His eyes suddenly changed, and he said sharply, "Stop Lika, go!"

The bodyguard was stunned, not knowing when it happened, but seeing the master's expression, he knew it was serious.

Immediately took out the walkie-talkie beside him and notified the royal vehicle...

At the gate of the palace, looking up at the vehicles that marked the Karl family, he was already waiting, still smiling sweetly.

When I opened the car door, I heard the intercom on the car ring, and I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart. Before the door was fully opened, I ran straight out and shouted at the car that came to pick her up, "Dear , actually came to pick me up..."

"Miss Lika..." came a hurried voice behind her.

Yang Wang didn't seem to hear it, and ran to the opposite car with the tutu skirt in hand.

With the vibration under her feet, she felt that those people were rushing towards her.

As if sensing that things had changed again, the car of the Karl family suddenly started and rushed directly towards her, with a sharp and screeching sound of friction between the wheels and the ground.

At the same moment, the group of bodyguards behind them, seeing that things had changed, immediately pulled out their pistols and fired several shots at the car as a warning.

Just now the prince issued a death order, and Miss Lika must be left behind.

"Miss Lika, the prince has important orders, please stay."

Bang bang bang!
Several more shots landed on the car.

The next moment, there was a sharp cry, and Lika was forcibly taken into the car...

Of course, this is just a phenomenon seen by outsiders.

The driver was [-], but there was a strange man sitting in the back seat of the car. It was because of this dazed effort that Yang Wang was almost overtaken by someone.

The next moment, the car stopped urgently in front of her, and was 'kidnapped' away!

"Sister Yang, are you okay!" [-] asked a little uneasy when she heard the scream.

The cold gaze was fixed on the group of people chasing after him.

Because they robbed people directly, the car was immediately beaten like a hornet's nest. Fortunately, the windows were all bulletproof glass.

In the back seat, Yang Wang didn't even pay attention to him, but just looked at the man beside him who let her go lightly.

"who are you?"

He squinted at [-] again, picked up the small bag in his hand, and hit [-] on the head, "My name is Lika now."

"..." Two fifty.

"Sister Lika, are you okay!"

"It's okay." Looking up, she was firm, and then her cold gaze tightly gripped the man's face.

Inexplicably familiar, the kind of impulse that made her so familiar that she wanted to hit someone.

(End of this chapter)

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