Chapter 878 Pursuit!

Inexplicably familiar, the kind of impulse that made her so familiar that she wanted to hit someone.

"Miss Lika, can you please let me go?" the man said lightly.

The [-] in the driver's seat suddenly turned around, turned to another road, avoided the flying bullets, and drove rapidly.

Temporarily dodge the pursuit behind...

Thinking of the conversation behind the scenes just now, I just felt the urge to sweat on my forehead.

Deliberately interjected, "Sister Lika, why did you suddenly..."

"How do I know!" Yang Wang said viciously.

How does she know.

Looking up and thinking of the scene just now, my heart is still pounding, I don't want to understand, where is the secret.

Looking at the chasing posture behind him, it was obvious that Ling Hao wanted to understand something...

If it was later, she couldn't imagine how much challenge she would face.

"Your eyes—" the man's voice remained calm.

Only he himself knew that his heart was in his throat just now.


He looked up and touched his eyes, but there was nothing?
"The color faded," he said again.

Now he looked up and understood, and wiped it casually.

She dyed it on purpose. In order to change the color of her pupils, she originally planned to have a one-day banquet at most, but she didn't expect Ling Hao to stay inside. It had already been five days at this time, and she could have lasted for more than a week, but because of this morning's I cried a lot, so...

"Have you ever cried?" There was subtle anger in his voice.

Yang Wang snorted coldly, and said bluntly, "My business has nothing to do with strangers."

[-] shook slightly, but the movement was so small that it couldn't be seen.

What happened to these two? ,

A few days ago, Sister Yang was still trying her best to find someone, but now that he was beside her, how could she not recognize him.

But Hei Ming slightly retracted her fingers because of her "stranger".

After a few words, a group of bodyguards behind him chased him up again, which seemed to be several times the number just now.

[-]'s face turned cold, and he spat secretly.

Either way, get rid of them first.

"Sister Lika, sit still."

After speaking, there was another sharp turn, and the car turned at an incredible speed, which made the windshield blocked, and the huge ground friction sound could be heard.

Even if he was prepared, the person in the car who was turning sharply couldn't help but tilt to one side, looking up at the person who slammed into him suddenly, but at the last moment, he clung to something so that he didn't touch him.

Hei Ming's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his breathing became short of breath.

She is angry!

The car returned to the smooth road, but the speed did not drop because of it.

[-]: "Sister Yang, be careful, they are starting to use force..."

The implication is that this is just an ordinary car, not worth their own. Even though some people were turned away just now, there are still people chasing after them.

Bang bang bang!
As soon as the voice fell, a bullet hit the bulletproof glass directly.

[-] dodged left and right to avoid the important attack behind him, but he couldn't avoid being hit by a few bullets.

Especially when the bullets are flying like a rainstorm, they will only be beaten.

"Damn it! [-], get out of the way, I'll do it!" Yang Wang cursed, threw off the high heels that were in the way, and crawled towards the driver's seat.

Bending down, he was pulled back again, unable to move.

"Sir, please let go of me." Yang Wang seemed to be on a pole, and without hesitation, he struck with his palm...

=== Post the saved ones, at 4 in the evening, I ate the dust all afternoon (cleaning) ===
(End of this chapter)

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