Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 880 Sudden Visit

Chapter 880 Sudden Visit
"Don't take the opportunity to run away! If I can't see anyone when I come out, I will look good to you." After finishing speaking, he walked into the nearest public toilet.

[-] looked around, as if it didn't want to pay attention to the incident between the two of them.

But after a while, Yang Wang came out from the inside, already changed into men's clothing, the three of them walked together, it was not against the peace.

This is a dress that I used to look up to often.

When he walked out, he saw the two men and said in a strange way, "I'm not leaving yet, I'll wait for someone to invite me."

I am walking ahead.

Hei Ming and [-] followed closely behind.

Relying on their own awareness of danger, the three of them dodged several groups of chasing people one after another.

On the other side, in the Karl family.

Received a sudden visit from Prince Andrew, and the whole family was in a state of tension.

"Your Highness, I don't know what is the reason for your sudden visit?"

Wade personally received him, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

"Mr. Vader, I want to know where Miss Lika is? I want to meet!"

"Lika?" Vader frowned. "Lika is not in the palace. You ordered someone to send a message this afternoon, and the Carl family immediately sent a driver. What happened?"

"I haven't said yet, Mr. Wade also knows what happened?" Ling Hao stared at the middle-aged man in front of him with a pair of sinister eyes.

The person in charge of the largest family in country X is not so easy to deal with.

Moreover, he thinks that the person pretending to be Lika is looking up.

From the beginning to the end, his emotions were only leaked for one person, thinking about the things he had been back for so many days, if he followed this line, he could find that there were two people who had been making him lose his composure.

One is the man on the plane, and the other is Lika.

Nonsense, if you think about it carefully, the final effect is to make him lose that little bit of interest.

"His Royal Highness! It seems that the car that picked up Lika hasn't come back yet. She didn't come back, but you, the prince, came first and asked to see Lika. No matter how stupid I am, I can't think of this!"

There was also a trace of suppressed anger in his words, as if this matter was a thief shouting "stop thief".

Hearing his anger, Ling Hao's face also calmed down slightly, "I'm too impatient, Mr. Wade, after Miss Lika picked up the Carl family's car and left, she disappeared..."

His eyes fell on Vader intentionally or unintentionally, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied when he saw his frown.

"I'll ask someone to investigate. The Carl family's cars each have their own logo. The prince doesn't have to worry."

Vader said firmly.

Glancing at Bai Xinlan who was standing aside, Bai Xinlan understood, and immediately backed out quietly.

"It's hard work for Mr. Vader. I'm very interested in Miss Lika. I really want to see her again. As soon as I find her, I hope Mr. Vader will notify me immediately."

As he spoke, he didn't intend to move.

Vader understood immediately.

Prince Andrew will not see anyone today and will not leave.

He remembered what Bai Xinlan had said to him before, and looked up to a friend who was investigating her recently.

it won't be...

He glanced complicatedly over the young man sitting tall in front of him.

Looking up at their affairs, even if he wanted to take care of them, he couldn't.

But if something happened to Country X, he dared to say that the Karl family would definitely be implicated.

For more than ten years, he has never understood why there is an invisible force in Augustine's hand that has been protecting him.

(End of this chapter)

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