Chapter 881
For more than ten years, he has never understood why there is an invisible force in Augustine's hand that has been protecting him.

Moreover, if compared with the power of the Karl family, it can even be described as terrifying.

No matter what news, as long as the Carl family wants it, they can get it from them. Of course, it will not be an unreasonable request.

There was a silence in the reception room.

Ling Hao also felt that this Mr. Wade was not as ordinary as he usually saw, but now he was a little more serious.

"Mr. Wade, don't be too nervous. I just want to meet Lika, and I don't plan to do anything to her, let alone involve the Carl family..."

Ling Hao's words were guaranteed.

Vader nodded slightly, seemingly relieved.

As long as Lotus Root knows it himself, he is actually getting more and more worried...

This is Country X, not City C, I hope Xiao Yang is safe. ...


The people who have avoided the chase several times, wait for the people who tracked the car of the Karl family to find the car, and there is no trace of looking up.

Can only be found nearby.

I just found a piece of clothing thrown in the public toilet, a special fabric for the royal family.

Carl family.

"I see, you continue to investigate, don't relax."

After receiving the report from outside, Ling Hao had already sat in the Karl family for more than an hour, but Ling Hao still had no intention of leaving.

Because Lika disappeared suddenly, Ling Hao searched the entire castle thoroughly in the name of caring.

"Your Highness, I haven't found it."

The royal family's special army dispatched a team and searched the castle, but found no one they were looking for.

"Nor east."

"Nor west."

"Nowhere else..."


A sound of reports came.

"Your Highness, I know the members of my family better than anyone else. Please take back the person who searched. Lika didn't come back, but she didn't come back. If she got into trouble and dared to come back, I wouldn't let her into the Karl family." Door!"

The entire family was searched, as if several slaps had been slapped on the old face, even Vader's face couldn't hold it, he said angrily.

Ling Hao felt a little guilty at the bottom of his heart. He was actually thinking that if Vader was deliberately covering up, then the real Lika would definitely be hiding in the family. He didn't expect that everything was beyond his expectations.

Although he felt something was wrong in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, "I just care about Miss Lika, Mr. Vader, and this prince has no malicious intentions."

Just as he was talking, a bodyguard ran in and whispered something into his ear.

Ling Hao got up suddenly, and said seriously, "Mr. Vader, I was wrong about what happened today, but Miss Lika found me, and I still hope to meet her."

After speaking, get up and leave.

It took only a short while before this matter reached the ears of other members of the royal family.

At this moment, the old king knew that he was furious at his order to search the castle of the Karl family, and ordered him to withdraw immediately, otherwise, everything he had now would be taken away...


Seeing the figure of Prince Andrew leaving in a hurry, Vader's expression turned cold all of a sudden.

Of course he knows the people of his family.

Even if Yang Wang stood in front of him now, he would never want to take it away...


Dodging and stealing a car on the main road, the three managed to avoid Ling Hao's pursuit.

Back at the base in Senna, [-] breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, many people did not come out, but quietly hid aside and watched.

(End of this chapter)

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