Chapter 882 Rage

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, many people did not come out, but quietly hid aside and watched.

[-] also retreated wisely, exiting the lobby of the base...

This place is also located on the tenth floor, no one will come in to disturb...

Anyone who disturbs is not interested.

The consequence of not being interested may be to make trouble for both ends.

"Since it's safe, Miss Lika, I'll leave first." Hei Ming also planned to leave.

She was calm and safe.

I should go back to be a shadow, he called her Miss Lika, just to avoid the fact that the two met...

Once those above know that he came out to meet Xiao Yang, they will definitely take away his mission. At that time, he will not even have the chance to see her again.

When he turned around, a cold voice sounded behind him, "Stop, give me your number!"

He still walked away.

Yang Wang's voice became even colder, "In the name of Sheng Yang Wang, I order you to stop and report your number."

Hei Ming!

I don't believe it can't cure you.

"Miss, I don't have a number, and I don't belong here." Hei meditated for a while before explaining.

In essence, he hoped that she would stop messing around, but when the words came out of his mouth, they became extremely cold.

"So what? You said, I want someone, who can stop me?"

He turned around suddenly and looked at the girl with her legs crossed leisurely, with complicated eyes.

"Miss, I still have a task, you will make it difficult for everyone!" Hei Ming said in an unfamiliar tone.

Looking up at Zha Mao, "I don't care what task you have, what task can be carried out for a year or so, go to the fucking task, I tell you, whoever my mother wants, who will try it!"

He shouted at the empty walls around him, "Get out!"

A few seconds later, the surroundings of the reception room obviously lost a lot of popularity...

"..." Hei Ming.

"It's because you don't want to stay, there is still a task!" Yang Wang's tone flashed with determination.

"...I don't want to stay." Hei Ming said very directly.

To stay and never see him again, and to stay by her side and be hated by her, he chose the latter without hesitation.

"Get lost, don't appear in front of me in the future—"

Before she finished speaking, she looked at the half person in front of her.

Grabbing the water glass at hand, it hit the ground with a bang...

Immediately afterwards, there was a ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and ping.

"Boss Hei, why, you and Sister Yang are not the best partners, why do you suddenly have to carry out the mission separately." Seeing Hei Ming walking out from the inside, [-] asked without fear of death.

There was a helpless coolness in Hei Ming's voice, "Because she is the eldest lady, [-], even if she is a good partner, she may be separated or lost, so let her pretend that I don't exist!"

Looking at the back of him walking away, very calm, [-] vaguely felt that this matter was very abnormal.

There must be something in it that I don't know.

But sister Yang didn't know why...

"When he doesn't exist? How could he not exist and not be dead? [-] thought about it and risked his life to see him.

"Sister Yang... Sister Yang..."

Suddenly something flew over, and [-] snatched it vigilantly.

Before he recovered, he was grabbed by the collar, and with a burst of terrifying strength, before he could react, he was thrown out...

(End of this chapter)

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