Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 883 Women Are Really Strange Animals

Chapter 883 Women Are Really Strange Animals
Before he recovered, he was grabbed by the collar, and with a burst of terrifying strength, before he could react, he was thrown out...

"Sister Yang, calm down!"

[-] shouted, rolling and crawling to avoid her claws, "Sister Yang, I have something to tell you—"

"I can believe what you say! Damn it, how dare you lie to me with him."

A muffled sound.

[-] was suddenly kicked out by her and flew out.

Fell on the soft carpet, looked up and stepped on his chest, "Say!"


I just said I didn't believe it a moment ago...

Women are strange creatures who don't agree with each other.

"I saw Boss Hei go out just now—"

After scanning her face, her face darkened in an instant, and [-] felt guilty.

It certainly wasn't his idea to cheat Yang Jie with Boss Hei, but he is a man who can make others better...

"He said some strange things just now, Sister Yang, my black boss really has a mission, and it's very likely that the problem lies in that mission..."

Looking up, his face continued to darken.

[-] hastily added, "I think Sister Yang can check it out, Boss Hei's mission, at least you used to be very close partners, how could he change his face just by saying it!"

Moreover, that mission probably has something to do with Sister Yang.

He didn't say this.

Sister Yang stomped on him hard, narrowing her eyes dangerously, "Don't think it's a cover-up, I'll let you go, you did what happened in those few days?" the rhythm! ! ]
"...that... that... Sister Yang knows, who let me be discovered, there is no way!" Two Fifty Zero imitated a pitiful expression, but it didn't look like it, and the corners of Sister Yang's mouth trembled.

"Since when?"

"Following you for the first time."

"To be more specific—" Looking up and said condescendingly.

[-] swallowed, "That's when Ling Hao pestered you. When you came out of the coffee shop, those tails were fixed by Boss Hei. I kept taking pictures carefully, but I was still discovered..."

Yang Wang slapped him on the head.

"Idiot! Go on—"

"...No more. After being discovered, he deleted a lot of photos in my camera, and even threatened me. If he dared to say anything, he would not go back..."

In order not to arouse the hatred that he looked up to, [-] silently said in his heart, Master Hei, take care of yourself!
In fact, the last sentence was added by himself.

Don't be a little pitiful, today he will go out crippled, and in the next few days, he won't have any chance to follow Sister Yang...

"!!!" Looked up and raised his foot, glanced at the breathless [-], kicked lightly, "Get up."

After the voice fell, [-] jumped up and said flatteringly, "Sister Yang, don't be angry, you should know your partner best."

Looking up at the little face, she suddenly felt depressed, yes, she should know her partner best, but she has nothing to do with that weird guy Hei Ming.

Just think of him being by my side all the time, but because of those messy reasons, even every time she calls, he looks indifferent...

She was very depressed.

Very special depressed.

Stupid bastard!
"Hmph! I'll settle the score with him after I ask clearly." Yang Wang's face was still cold.

However, [-] felt that she no longer had that violent aura, and slowly let go of her holding heart.

Looking up and thinking for a while, it is better to ask first what mission Hei Ming is performing and why he always appears by her side, but never comes out to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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