Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 884 The Illusion of Omnipotence

Chapter 884 The Illusion of Omnipotence

Looking up and thinking for a while, it is better to ask first what mission Hei Ming is performing and why he always appears by her side, but never comes out to see her.

Knowing that in the previous ten years, although Hei Ming had always appeared in her life as a partner, she overheard once that Hei Ming was not at all, he was the person her father chose to protect her.

Indeed, Hei Ming's ability is more than higher than hers. .

Is very good at everything.

Gives an illusion of omnipotence.

But since she came out of Huangye Island, she couldn't figure it out.

When she left, she also asked those few people, and they all said that Hei Ming had her own mission.

The task is completed, and I will go to find her.

For more than a year, I ran away accidentally.

Not only did he never look for her, but his attitude became more and more cold.

In the past, she also asked about the mission of the wonderful master Hei Ming, but she didn't have a definite answer, and she kept hemming and hawing.

Go to the communication room and connect to the internal line on Huangye Island.

Looking up leisurely and plugging in the headset, the huge display screen jumped a few times, and a portrait jumped out.

"Hi, look up baby." Miaomiao stared at her sweet smile, looking at her, "How did you get to the base in Country X?"

Yang Wang curled his lips, "You haven't given me what I asked for a long time ago, so of course I have to look it up myself!"

Miaomiao patted her head, and said with a sneer, "Look at my head, but I remember who I gave the information to, who is it..."

"Hei Ming?" Looking up and squinting at her.

From Miaomiao's expression, she saw something called guilty conscience...

But it was too late to capture the moment.

"I forgot, but the information is for you."

Looking up, she didn't feel worried at all.

In other words, she must have given it to someone who believed, so she was not worried.

Perhaps, Hei Ming has always known about Ling Hao?

Thinking about it this way, it can explain why Hei Ming and the others robbed the Carl family's car and waited for her outside the palace.

Probably because he was worried that Ling Hao would find out sooner or later, so he waited outside.

"Well, there is one more thing, I want to ask, Aunt Miao, you will definitely not hide it from me like the others?" Yang Wang smiled sweetly, holding his little head.

On the other end, the corners of Miaomiao's eyes trembled, and she quietly glanced at the few people who were holding prawns beside her...

Why throw her out!

"Ahem...Ask, if I can tell you, I will tell you." She said solemnly.

Yang Wang's laugh is getting more and more creepy, Miao Miao thinks so.

Every time Yang Wang showed this kind of smile, it was obviously a prelude to getting hairy.

"Hei Ming's mission!"

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Miaomiao lowered her head, quietly and viciously gouged out a few people around her, then smiled at the person on the other side of the screen, "Wait a minute, I'll check it out for you...

The screen suddenly disconnected.

After being stunned for a tenth of a second, Miaomiao was overjoyed, burst into tears, and rushed out of the control room.


She will never come in again!

very scary! !

Looking up at the other side, there was an atmosphere of gunpowder smoke, and the entire control room could hear a needle drop silently.

"Why?" Looking up at the person in front of him calmly.

"This is my mission, don't make it difficult for those few, Xiao Yang..." Hei Ming looked at the indifferent person in front of him, his heart was like being immersed in ice water, freezing his whole body, and he could feel it in his hands and feet. There was a burst of coldness.

"Who allows you to come in." Yang Wang snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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