Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 890 It's not something you can touch whenever you want

Chapter 890 It's not something you can touch whenever you want
Ling Hao looked at the man in the baseball suit opposite him unkindly, "Who are you!"

The ice-cold gaze in the baseball suit was directed at him, and the thin lips parted slightly, "She's not something you can touch whenever you want, stay away from her."

Ling Hao's heart shuddered suddenly, his gaze was really uncomfortable.

It's like seeing everything about you from your eyes.

"I just don't stay away from her, so what?"

"You will lose what you have now." The baseball suit said without hesitation, and a silencer gun appeared in his hand, pointing directly at his face.

Ling Hao's expression also darkened, is it her?
With just this aura, this man is not easy!
Who is he?
The same cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Did you underestimate my ability—"


As soon as the muzzle moved, two bullets shot into his tires almost at the same time.

The right hand ends, and the left hand also retracts.

A few grunts.

The bodyguards who followed were all clutching their shoulders in pain and collapsed.


Ling Hao didn't say anything provocative, and the baseball man stepped on the accelerator and left in a hurry.

He was not given any chance to refute.

But he was blown out and couldn't do anything.

A palm slap on the steering wheel.

Cursing, "Damn it, who the hell is he! Look up to who the man next to him is."

This is definitely a tough opponent.

I don't know how many times more difficult to solve than An Yiyang, and I don't know how many times more dangerous!

Hei Ming drove the car that had been prepared long ago, and followed Yang Wang without showing any trace.

Watching her speeding up, there was no expression on her face.

There was only a faint warmth flowing deep in the eyes.

An hour later, when I returned to my apartment, I looked up and my mood jumped.

Shouted into the air, "I'm going to eat someone's cooking today, from now on, I'm going to sleep."

There was a loud roar in the room, and then there was no sound.

Hei Ming jumped in from the window, and upon hearing this sentence, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The room was silent for a while, as if only the warm sunlight shone in, and the silence seemed to be lifeless.

Take ingredients that are always fresh from the refrigerator and bring them into the kitchen.

Just remembering that I have become more rigid, the hand holding the ingredients can't help shaking.


There are mixed feelings in my heart.


After sleeping for more than an hour, after looking up and waking up, the first thought when I opened my eyes was whether there was really a table of dishes on the table outside.

When the two of them were partners, Hei Ming was also responsible for the food.

It was also because she relied on him for everything, that mission, she almost let her ignorance kill Heiming.

Turned up abruptly, barefooted, and ran towards the dining room outside.

Leaning against the wall of the dining room, she smiled slightly.

Three dishes and one soup.

He did it!

It turns out that I have been by my side all the time, so I don’t need to go out to eat in the future.

"Xiao Hei, do you want to come out and eat with me? I can't eat that much by myself..."

The sound hit the wall, and it seemed empty and silent.

Yang Wang curled his lips, "How can I leave after the meal."

Walk over and pick up the chopsticks that were set aside.

After taking a sip, a different delicious feeling spreads among the taste buds.


Enjoy a delicious meal alone...


Jinhua Villa.

In a low-key and luxurious office.

"Xiao Yang is back?"

A deep male voice came from inside...

(End of this chapter)

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