Chapter 891
"Xiao Yang is back?"

A deep male voice came from inside...

"Yes, Hei Ming is already waiting outside."

Sheng Shi raised his head slightly, his eyes were indifferent, "He has been following Xiao Yang?"


"What do you think?" He put down the pen in his hand.

The visitor frowned in embarrassment, "I have to say, Hei Ming failed in this mission."

"He appeared in front of Xiao Yang by himself?"

The visitor paused.

"Miss Yang discovered it first, but he didn't show up on his own initiative——

I just found out that Xiao Yang's classmate, the boy who often brings breakfast to Xiao Yang, is related to the royal family of X and is Andrew IV. "

A gloomy look flashed across Sheng Shi's eyes, "Can Xiao Yang handle it?"

"There is Hei Ming, yes."

Sheng Shi's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on the person who came. He picked up the pen again, and said in a calm tone, "Go on."

"Miss Yang followed the Karl family this time, entered the palace once, and stayed there for a few days in the name of Miss Lika. Later, something went wrong and was discovered, but when it was discovered, Miss Yang had already Come out, and Hei Ming and [-] will meet you." After the visitor finished speaking, he closed his mouth, and his ravine face looked a little scary.

Sheng Shi's pen tip slid across the white paper, and said lightly, "It's not that he appeared in front of Xiao Yang himself."

"Ahem...Before this, Miss Yang had tried everything possible to find her."

"Laury, I'm more curious. When Xiao Yang asked, how did he answer—"

Sheng Shi's face was cold, he looked very depressed, showing signs of anger.

Laurie sighed inwardly.

A mission failure is a failure, even if he has the heart, there is no way to tell lies in front of the master.

"Five years, Hei Ming said that after five years, he will tell her that when the agreement between her and An Yiyang ends."

Sheng Shi frowned without a trace, and spoke.

"Sheng Shi, is there such a father?" A lazy voice came from the door.

Sheng Shi's icy face broke the ice and was replaced with a faint smile.

In Laurie's eyes, it was like a storm that suddenly turned sunny. The owner of this voice was timely rain! ! !

"Ma'am." Laurie blurted out without looking up at the open door.

Mo Tianxin raised his eyebrows and raised his chin.

Sheng Shi coughed a few times, "I see, let him go back and continue, the one named Ling Hao, try to solve it—"

"No!!" Tian Xin raised her hand and said, "Let her solve Xiao Yang's matter by herself, with Hei Ming here, if this difficulty can't be solved, what else can she do in the future?"

"Yes!" Laurie felt a burst of gratitude in his heart.

This is the wife's special kindness.

Sheng Shi just watched and didn't interrupt. Hei Ming was originally chosen by him.

"Okay, you go slowly..." Instead, he put on a bright smile.

Laurie was startled slightly, then raised his head, "Don't you need to meet Hei Ming?"

When his eyes touched that smile, something strange crawled through his heart...

Madam was still the same, even when she saw his ruined face, there was nothing unusual about it, with a smile on her face.

"No, I'm curious, five years later, I only see Xiao Yang's choice."

Laurie nodded and hurried out.

He left with his front foot, Tianxin glanced at the smiling Shengshi, snorted softly, lifted his foot, and left.

As soon as he went out, he was pulled back.

"what are you doing……"

"Xin'er, do you have any questions to ask me?"

"So what if I have a question, I just don't ask, um..."


(End of this chapter)

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