Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

What will the first sentence of Chapter 899 say?

Chapter 899 What will the first sentence say?
"...Xiaowei, ignore him, it's just a convulsion." Yang Wang broke Wen Xiaowei's face, planning to continue.

It's just that the corner of the clothes was grabbed and pulled from time to time.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!" Yang Wang changed his words again.

Lie helplessly on the table.

She still really convinced An Yiyang. She said earlier that if he can put this spirit into the family business, he will definitely gain a lot.

Wen Xiaowei also glanced at An Yiyang in embarrassment, received his unhappy gaze, and moved away with a guilty conscience.


This matter seems to be suspended, only a few people involved know whether the matter is over...

Looking up, he was worried that Hei Ming did not reply, and An Yiyang and Ling Hao felt an unprecedented sense of crisis towards this potential enemy.

This reminded Ling Hao of the man he met last time.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Sheng family is always full of mystery, but looking up at it seems simple...

Not to mention her own cunning, even the people who follow her, there is no one who does not make him feel that it is not easy.

After class, eat lunch quietly.

When returning to the dormitory, Yang Wang mentioned it again, wondering what Wen Xiaowei thought.

It's like wandering in the sea for a long time, suddenly seeing a small island, no matter what 21 [-], land first.

"Xiao Yang..." Wen Xiaowei put on her huge glasses again, and looked at Yang Wang seriously.

"Do you think that it's not that he doesn't want to see you, but he just doesn't know what to say. If he is in front of you now, what will your first sentence be?"

Looking up and thinking, "... I don't know!"

do not know……

She didn't know how to face Hei Ming, after all, she was the one who did it first, so is it possible that he should kiss him back again?

What I thought in my heart, I said without any taboo, "Should we force him to go back? This is the end of the matter!?"

Wen Xiaowei spat out a mouthful of boiled water, choked on her words, coughed uncontrollably, her face turned red from coughing.

"Slow down..." Yang Wang stretched out his hand incomprehension to help her soothe her choking symptoms.

"Am I wrong?"


Yang Wang didn't understand what she said wrong, and why every word Wen Xiaowei said to her was so incomprehensible.

She said directly more than once, don't go round the corner.

But in the end, she still had no idea what she was talking about.

After a week of suffering, thinking hard.

Yang Wang finally thought of the first sentence, what to say to Hei Ming.

I decided to go back to the apartment.

The premise is to get rid of the two people behind him first...

Driving her beloved baby, Yang Wang suddenly rushed out of the nearest fork in the road. The next moment, the two who followed her immediately reacted and immediately speeded up to catch up.

She notified the security office where she had fallen in advance, and after her car rushed into the community, the two cars behind her were stopped.

Anyway, we all know her location, not the specific address.

After parking the car and exiting the garage, she found the same two cars driving towards the garage.

Looking up, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her figure flashed, and she passed through the center of countless cars, making it impossible for people to catch her figure, and slipped out of the parking lot unknowingly.

When Ling Hao and An Yiyang looked at the already good car but didn't see anyone, they knew they had lost again...

"She ran away again." An Yiyang said angrily from the bottom of his heart.

Ling Hao looked at the car, his eyes darkened into shadows, his fingers holding the steering wheel were tightening all the time, as if he wanted to crush it.

He has done so much, but it is not worth a person who jumped out of nowhere.

Sheng Yangwang...!
(End of this chapter)

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