Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 900 How Serious the Consequences!

Chapter 900 How Serious the Consequences!

He has done so much, but it is not worth a person who jumped out of nowhere.

Sheng Yangwang...!
The surge in my heart was still slowly suppressed.


Looking up to the person mentioned this time put pressure on everyone else.

Ling Hao already felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, while An Yiyang was even more panicked.

But An Yiyang has another agreement to comfort himself.

As long as Ling Hao thinks that he has not received any approval from her from the beginning to the end, he will feel depressed in his heart.

A punch on the steering wheel.

Returning to the apartment and opening the door, I thought that Hei Ming would prepare a table of meals for her, but the table was empty.

The brows could not help but frown.

I'm a little unhappy...

Didn't know she was coming back, why are you so lazy!

"Little Hei...Little Hei..."

In a certain room, there was a sound of panic, and it seemed that something had been accidentally knocked over.

Looking up at the loose in his hand, he slowly put down the schoolbag in his hand, walked a few steps inside, his eyes suddenly became serious.

Kicked open the door of that room and shouted sharply, "Stop!"

Three steps in parallel, rushed forward, grabbed his shoulder, grasped with five fingers, and pulled him back suddenly——

A groan.

Hei Ming's face was very ugly, and he fell on the sofa under the window.

"Bloody smell, you have injuries!" Yang Wang pressed him down politely, and asked seriously.

"It's okay, it's just some minor injuries, and I've taken care of them myself." Hei Ming took her exploring hand and explained softly, his face was tired and pale for a moment.

Looking up: "Really?"

"Really, you come down first, anyway, you can be considered a woman, Xiao Yang is too domineering, be careful that no man will dare to want you in the future." Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to restrain the scorching feeling of blood and flesh on his back.

"..." Looking up.

Looking at the two of them, this posture seems to be often seen when they were playing around in the past. Why is it that they are starting to be hypocritical now!
Jumping down, he said, "What were you doing in the room just now, and you were making noise, since you have nothing to do, go and cook for me."

The closer she got, the more she could smell the strong smell of blood. Although he dealt with it, she still felt it...

Looking up, without revealing half of his face, he watched his movements carefully.

Even the movement of getting up was a bit sluggish, compared to before, his reaction was not a bit slower.

If it was the former Hei Ming, she would have never been very sure about catching him just now.

Hei Ming met her suspicious eyes and tried his best to make himself look as normal as possible.

"Xiao Hei, there is something on your back, I'll take it off for you..." While looking up and speaking, his hand was already reaching towards him.

The wrist was grasped suddenly, and the fingers were loosened suddenly.

"Don't dare to say nothing?" Yang Wang said in a cold tone, while he let go of his hand, he held his wrist instead, and the dazzling red color flowed down his arm...

"It's really okay, this point, I can't die."

"Since you can't die, why are you afraid? Let me see, Hei Ming, you know how serious the consequences of disobeying the master's orders are!"

"If you dare to stop me, I will let you go back immediately, and never appear by my side again—"

Hold his wrist and tighten it suddenly, "Forever, don't try to challenge my bottom line, you are my man."

Reaching out, he unbuttoned him.

In the panic just now, I even buttoned the button wrongly. I looked up and didn't care about it, and my fingers were trembling undetectably...

(End of this chapter)

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