Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 901 It Tastes Sweet

Chapter 901 It Tastes Sweet

In the panic just now, I even buttoned the button wrongly. I looked up and didn't care about it, and my fingers were trembling undetectably...

The injury was so severe this time that he was so desperate that he even buttoned the wrong button.

Hei Ming wanted to stop her, touched her eyes, raised his hand and put it down again.

"Yang, I didn't escape the scorching heat of the explosion. It's a burn. It's okay. I've already dealt with it..."

Looking up and ignoring it, she went around behind him and pulled his coat.

Not a scary scene!
Because the back was wrapped with bandages, white gauze was bound all over the body, the blood oozing from the bandages, the wounds that were not carefully tied, the degree of festering far exceeded her imagination...

"Untie the bandage, and I'll help you deal with it."

The whole back was severely burned...

Hei Ming untied the knot tied earlier, thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, it's really fine!"

Circle and circle around.

The festering wound was stained with serum, mixed with glaring red blood, looking up and frowning fiercely.

Some powder was simply sprinkled on the wound, but it hadn't been spread yet.

No views were expressed aloud.

"Lie down on the sofa by yourself, and I'll give you medicine." Looking up, his eyes were blood red.

where did he go...

Feeling the burning sensation on his back, Hei Ming leaned back on the sofa stiffly.

Looking up at the hand holding the anti-inflammatory medicine, it was trembling slightly, and there was a surge of discomfort in my heart.

Weird feeling.

It's a bit like distressed...

Walking over, looking at the bloody back, there was a feeling of soreness and swelling in the eyes.

"Where did you go today?"

Looking up with his back facing him, Hei Ming didn't notice anything strange about her, even his lips were pale.

"Investigating a tube building, there was an accidental explosion."

It was an accident, but Hei Ming knew better than anyone else that it was definitely not an accident, otherwise he would not have left one second earlier.

If he had been more dull, he would not have come back today.

"When I'm not around, you do such dangerous things, how do you know that I'm in school, it must be safe."

The cotton in his hand wiped his wound very gently, looking up at the bottom of his heart, he felt discouraged, how could it be like this...

As she wiped, blood gushed out.

"Xiao Hei, wait a moment..."

Yang Wang rushed into the bedroom, thinking of the time that Dr. Wendell gave her a life-saving medicine, and took out a bottle of special hemostatic powder.

He rushed out in a hurry, and rushed in again in a hurry.

Hei Ming looked at the burning man, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly. Only when he was injured, he would enjoy that faint feeling.

First put down the hemostatic medicine in his hand, and poured out the medicine in a panic.

"Xiao Hei, take this medicine first."

Looking at the moist white pill rolling in her hand, Hei Ming was slightly shocked and shook his head.

Reach out and push away.

"Xiao Yang, there's no need, I've come back well, this medicine..."

"Are you going to fight against me again?"

Hei Ming had no choice but to pick it up and put it in his mouth.

The bitterness of the medicine can't cover up the sweetness in my heart. The bitterness that spreads to the taste buds tastes sweet.

Looking up to sprinkle the medicine powder evenly on the wound, the blood stopped immediately and tended to dry up...

Wiping the thin sweat from the tension on his forehead, he felt distressed for a while.

"How can you wrap it in gauze? If there is blood on it, it will hurt so much when you take it off, Xiao Hei, what's the matter with you..." Looking up, her brows were tightly frowned, as if the injury was on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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