Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 902 You Fouled

Chapter 902 You Fouled
"How can you wrap it in gauze? If there is blood on it, it will hurt so much when you take it off, Xiao Hei, what's the matter with you..." Looking up, her brows were tightly frowned, as if the injury was on her body.


Because Hei Ming was injured, Yang Wang warned him not to leave, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

I went out again and bought some beef bone stew.

Today, she will prepare what Hei Ming likes to eat.

But after making it, I found that there is not much difference in the eating preferences of almost two people.

After finishing the dinner, he looked up and pushed open the door happily, "Xiao Hei, you can have dinner..."

Looking at the empty room, the smile on his face gradually froze, he hurried back to the room, took out the communicator, "Xiao Hei, where are you? Didn't I say, you are still injured, don't run around, what are you doing?" Is it true that my words have no effect on you, Hei Ming!!"


Jinhua Villa.

Hei Ming's face was a little pale, and he reported what he had investigated.

Sheng Shi just glanced lightly, and asked, "See her again?"

Hei Ming's face instantly became deathly pale.

Clenching his fists for a moment, "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, there was a deathly silence in the study, and suddenly, there was a small sound, a bit like the cry of insects.

Tian Xin coughed a few times, "Your communicator, give me—"

Hei Ming's face turned pale again, will even the communicator be confiscated?

My heart is broken with regret.

The fingers holding the communicator were a little tighter, and the feet did not move.

at this time……

It must be Xiao Yang...

"I just want to see, are you too nervous?" Tian Xin sat beside Sheng Shi with a lollipop in his mouth.

If it weren't for the force of a bondage around her waist, she would probably get up to get it by herself.

Hei Ming loosened his fingers when he received another terrifying sight.

He walked forward with difficulty and hesitated for a long time before handing over the communicator.

"Open it." Looking at his struggling appearance, Tianxin felt amused in his heart.

If his communicator was not opened with his own fingerprint, it would be useless for others to hold it.

Hei Ming pursed his lips, stretched out his thumb reluctantly, and pressed down.

"Xiao Hei, where are you? Didn't I say, you still have injuries..."

There was an anxious voice on the communicator.

"Everyone has prepared the food, but you actually ran away. Let me catch you next time, and I will definitely not let you go..."

"Hei Ming, what on earth do you want!"


"...What a heartless girl, I haven't eaten her cooking yet!"

Tian Xin cast a sidelong glance at Hei Ming, and said in a serious tone, "Stinky boy, you've become so fascinated by my daughter."

"Ma'am..." Hei Ming stared at her communicator, with sweat dripping from her palms.

"Let's talk, you made a foul, how should we deal with this matter." Tian Xin deliberately teased her, her tone was unusually serious, but the hand resting on her waist tightened dissatisfied.

He rolled his eyes helplessly.

Is Shengshihui a nervous Xiaoyang?

of course not.

"Don't make trouble." She glared at him angrily and gestured with her lips.

Sheng Shi swept towards Hei Ming impatiently, he is really a mother-in-law man, if he had already robbed him.

But he is quite sensible, if he robs his prosperous daughter, he will die a miserable death.

Hei Ming's hands and feet were already cold, his whole body seemed to be soaked in ice water, his heart sank to the bottom of the sea, and he couldn't breathe.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tianxin just waited quietly.

If it's just a man, there are no three-legged toads, but two-legged men are everywhere on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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