Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 903 Let me see her again for the last time

Chapter 903 Let Me See Her For The Last Time

If it's just a man, there are no three-legged toads, but two-legged men are everywhere on the street.

Never mind how painful he is—


I don't know how long it took, Hei Ming finally moved his lips, but his face was ashen, "I would rather die by her side, let me see her for the last time."

He has no choice but to leave.

Tianxin snorted coldly.

"I won't let her find out, I will leave quietly." Hei Ming added.

Sheng Shi glanced at him, it was really useless, for a woman...

But that's his daughter, so it's another matter!
A clatter.

Tianxin threw out a small transparent medicine with a crimson pill inside, extremely coquettish.

"How can I believe you? If you eat it, you will have twelve hours of life left, enough for you to see her again." She said sharply, "But if you have other thoughts, I will let you die than Everyone is miserable."

"You have to know that you are not the same kind of people at all. Xiao Yang is only staying on Huangye Island temporarily, and she will return to her world in the end..."

Her voice did not fall, Hei Ming had already picked up the transparent medicine bottle on the ground, without much hesitation, opened it and threw it into his mouth.

Death, for him, has never been a difficult decision.

"Ma'am, my communicator..."

A beautiful arc crossed the air, Hei Ming caught it steadily, and nodded lightly.

Then leave the study.

twelve hours...

He only has [-] hours left to stay with Xiao Yang, this is his choice, if he can't guard her, the loss of this life is just a little bit less painful.

In the study, Sheng Shi frowned at Tian Xin and asked, "What did you feed him?"

Tian Xin shrugged, "Chocolate beans?"

"..." Shengshi.

Whether this Hei Ming is really stupid or fake stupid, he doesn't even have this bit of common sense...

"You are really stupid than Hei Ming, giggling." Seeing that he believed it, Tian Xin smiled inwardly.

How could it be impossible to tell the difference between chocolate beans and medicine.

"Huh?" Sheng Shi snorted softly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Didn't Xiao Yang just say that? This guy is injured. I gave him painkillers, which contain anesthetic ingredients. Gradually, he will find that his body is numb..."

Tian Xin hadn't finished singing yet, an oppressive force brought her to attack someone's lips.

"Ugh... I was wrong..."


Looking up at the dishes on the whole table, without any appetite, looking at the communicator in his hand, poking the dishes on the plate one after another.

"Xiaohei... where the hell have you been..."


Looking up, his eyes lit up, and he opened it, "Xiao Hei..."

"Xiao Yang, I went out to do some errands, so I'm going back now." Hei Ming's voice was very light.

Before Yang Wang understood the meaning of his words, he was swept away by a burst of ecstasy, "Are you going to come back and have dinner with me? The food waiting for you is cold."

"Well, I'll go back right away."

Hanging up the communicator, looking up at what flashed through my mind very quickly, before thinking about it, I was overwhelmed by the joy in my heart, got up, heated all the dishes in the stove, and the soup she specially stewed...

"I didn't ask him where he was just now..."

Looking up and thinking for a while, I poked at the already rotten meat, and filled it up with satisfaction...

It doesn't matter, it's good to be cold.

In this little time, he won't run too far.

Forty minutes later, the doorbell rang...

Yang Wang is still thinking, will there be another mission in the middle, will he run away again...

(End of this chapter)

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