Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 905 I Will Always Be By Your Side

Chapter 905 I Will Always Be By Your Side

Gently lay the person flat on the bed, pull the quilt over, and tuck it in carefully...

"Xiao Yang, I'm leaving, just treat it as if I'm going to perform a mission, and I will always be by your side, but you can't see it." In the dark room, perhaps because of the strangeness in his heart, his voice was a little hoarse point.

Gently leaning against her, waiting for the dawn to come.

He just knocked her out so as not to hurt her. Otherwise, with the situation just now, he would really hurt people uncontrollably.

Suddenly, there was an uncontrollable sweet smell in his chest, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the side of the bed.

In the room, there was only the sound of weak breathing and a burst of shallow and gentle breathing.


Jinhua Villa.

in the office.

Sheng Shi put his arms around his wife and kissed gently, seeing her tired face, he felt a burst of happiness in his heart.

Pick up the clothes at your feet.

At the foot, another transparent glass bottle rolled out, and there was also a bright red medicine in it, which was conveniently placed on the table, gently put it on for her, picked it up, and walked towards their bedroom.

Going back to the bedroom, he carried her to the bathroom to clean up in a leisurely manner, "Xin'er, why do you have two bottles of red wound medicine on you?"

Surrounded by hot water, Tian Xin sighed comfortably, and said lazily, "There is a bottle that is not. Although it looks the same as the wound medicine, it is just a Qingling pill that I picked at random."

Sheng Shi picked up water and poured it on her jade arm, "Qingling Wan? How could it be red?"

"It's just a Qingling pill wrapped in wound medicine, so it's different."

"How can you be sure that what you gave Hei Ming just now is a wound medicine?" Sheng Shi frowned, feeling very strange.

"That's what I did, don't tell me I don't know." Tian Xin glanced at him.

Eat radish salty again and worry less.

"..." Shengshi.

He looked at it just now, and the two medicines looked almost the same, if they were given by mistake, would it be...

"Okay, I'll talk about it after I take a shower. They say it's my medicine, so I can't make a mistake." Tianxin continued to lazily lie in the water, enjoying the warm service.

Glancing at him.

Every time he sees Hei Ming, he has a terrifying look in his eyes, saying it is a test, but in fact, he should have known what kind of person he is.

Back then, when he was selecting candidates, he had already taken it into consideration, didn't he?
"It can be regarded as the best of the new generation. Your daughter has swallowed her whole heart. She knows Pidianpidian and Xiao Yang all day long. She can survive for a year without being discovered by the little girl. According to my knowledge You know, and pretended to be my name, and prepared breakfast for her every day..."

"..." Shengshi.

what do you want to say in the end……

Who is this belittling?

That's their precious daughter, if it wasn't for his superhuman perseverance, he wouldn't want to!

"Of course, he couldn't win Xiao Yang's heart in the end—" Sheng Shi mused to himself, after all, he was his subordinate.

He is still more at ease.

"That's still their business, and it's all about you. If you have nothing to do, you have to step in, or I'll still be watching the show." Tianxin pouted, "That heartless girl usually asks her to cook, but every time she loses To Yiran, who slipped away faster than anyone else, a guy who puts a lot of emphasis on sex and despises mothers...I really love her for nothing..."

After talking nonsense for more than half an hour, I came out of the bathroom.

Sheng Shi put the clothes beside her, and went in to wash them by himself, but after a while, after coming out...

I saw her lying on the bed, holding the transparent glass bottle in her hand, looking carefully, and asked casually, "How is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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