Chapter 906

I saw her lying on the bed, holding the transparent glass bottle in her hand, looking carefully, and asked casually, "How is it?"

"What?" Tianxin looked away from the red.

Sheng Shi glanced at her, "Of course it's the medicine in your hand."

"That's right!"

"...It's just..." Tianxin scratched her head, and suddenly a flash came to her mind, "Just to test the degree of acquaintance between these two medicines, I seem to have compared the two medicines..."

Sheng Shi's hands froze slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "You mean, it's very likely that you put the wrong bottle?"

Tian Xin twitched the corner of her mouth with difficulty, "I don't think I can pretend to be wrong."

Then, he added affirmatively, "Intuition!"


The next day, when Yang Wang woke up, the sun was already shining brightly.

Turning over suddenly, he didn't even care about putting on his shoes, and went straight out, "Xiao Hei... Hei Ming! Hei Ming!"

Last night, Hei Ming must have something to hide from her, otherwise why would he use the trick of knocking her out.

There was a panic for no reason in my heart, and I ran around the apartment, but found no trace of him.

Thinking of his eyes, his kiss, he clearly tasted a sense of determination.

He slapped his head violently.

"Why am I so stupid!"

Turning around, ran into his room, randomly pulled out a piece of clothing from the closet, and hurriedly changed.

Suddenly, the movement stopped abruptly, and there was a faint smell of blood from between the nostrils...

A flustered heart is like being immersed in ice water.

Bloody smell...


The palms of her hands were already sweating uncontrollably, she looked up and put on her clothes calmly, the feeling of loss gnawed at her heart like a bug.

After putting on my shoes, I suddenly thought of a question.

She doesn't even know where Hei Ming went, how to find it!

"Xiao Hei said last night that he was going to carry out a mission..." She seemed to remember saying so.

Do you perform tasks...

Taking out the communicator, he kept trying to connect to Huang Ye's headquarters, his fingers were constantly pointing, the thin cold sweat on his fingertips wet the screen, and his eyes were blurred.

"How could this happen!" A sharp light flashed in her eyes, and the first thing that came to mind was her parents.

After changing hands, I called to the villa in the suburbs, and my heart sank again.

"Hey, who is it?"


Yang Wang let out a few breaths, "I am Yang Wang, help me go to my parents' room!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, Mrs. and Mrs. weren't at the villa yesterday. They seem to be traveling."

"What! Why did they choose to travel at this time! Tell me, are there any strangers going to the house these days?" Yang Wang was very emotional, and he couldn't hold his temper, so he threw the phone in his hand.

"No, miss, Mr. and Mrs. are going out temporarily this time, and they will be back in a few days. This meeting may also be on the plane. You can try to contact..." the voice of the maid in the villa.

Looking up and gritting her teeth, the veins on her forehead were throbbing, "Damn it, why did the group disappear at a critical moment, please don't tell her, it was all premeditated."

After thinking about it, I made a few more phone calls, but there was no news about Hei Ming.

this person……

It's like it just disappeared out of thin air.

For a moment, I looked up and felt that the world had become dark.

Ding Dong!

The ringing of the doorbell.

"Hei Ming..." With a murmur, her eyes lit up.

Could it be that Xiao Hei is back!
The figure flashed, rushed forward, went straight to the door, opened it, "Hei Ming..."

=== Non-abuse text, every time I want to abuse, I can’t continue to abuse, otherwise some children’s papers will be broken by me desperately ===
(End of this chapter)

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