Chapter 907 Listless
The figure flashed, rushed forward, went straight to the door, opened it, "Hei Ming..."

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Looking at the people standing outside the door, looking up, a huge sense of disappointment surged in his heart, "Why is it you!"

An Yiyang looked at the person in front of him in surprise, feeling a sense of loss, "Xiao Yang..."

"Who do you think it is?"

Looking up for a moment, he suppressed the expression on his face, and said lightly, "No."

The last trace of a smile on An Yiyang's face was also reluctantly put away. No matter how stupid he was, he could clearly feel the lost look.

"Xiao Yang, what happened, can you tell me?"

Looking up and shaking his head, he couldn't see any emotion, "It's nothing, just a friend."

"Is it really just a friend?" An Yiyang stared at her, not letting go of any expression.

"What do you come to see me for?" Yang Wang asked without blushing or panting.

It never occurred to her that not long ago, An Yiyang was played.

An Yiyang didn't look like he was in high spirits when he was in school. In fact, in order to find Yang Wang's address, he had been guarding outside for many days, trying his best.

But he won't say it.

"I came to see you. You never gave me your address, so I had to find it myself. This time, you can't hide from me."

Yang Wang rolled her eyes and exhaled, only she knew how anxious she was.

"I have something to do now, so it's not convenient to entertain you."

"Won't you even give me a glass of water?"



in the living room.

Looking up, he put down a glass of water, his eyes wished to burn two holes in his body.

"After drinking, leave immediately."

He also buried himself on the sofa beside him, propped his chin and looked at the glass of water with a blank stare.

I don't know what to think...

Of course, An Yiyang's purpose was not to come in for a glass of water, he just wanted to come in and have a look.

"Xiao Yang, are you sick? Why are you listless?" An Yiyang still picked up the glass of boiled water, but looked at her.

Yang Wang stood up abruptly, "I have something to do, I need to go out."

She is going back to the island now.

After thinking about it, she felt uneasy, because Hei Ming's situation was very abnormal.

Even though he concealed it very carefully, he left in a hurry, always keeping everything secret.

I took out one or two necessary items from the room and put them in the travel bag, put on a black sportswear, walked out, and found that An Yiyang had been looking at her suspiciously, and said, "An Yiyang, if you drink enough, Just go back by yourself."

After speaking, regardless of his reaction, he walked out with his bag on his back.

Get out of the garage and go straight to an abandoned manor by the sea in City C, where there is a helicopter that goes directly back to the island.

And the person who was left in the apartment looked disappointed at the person who left, but thought that she would stay with her at ease instead of driving him out.

After a brief tour of the apartment, there are four bedrooms and one living room here, and the room I looked up and walked out just now must be her room.

An Yiyang reached out to push, frowned, and tried to move the handle, but he couldn't open the door.

His eyes touched a pale white area on the door, and he touched it curiously.

There was a gasp.

"What's going on..." He muttered to himself.

I took a picture of that thing with my mobile phone, but I knew in my heart that it was probably a switch device.

In other words, look up from beginning to end without worrying that he will bump into anything in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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