Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 909 Brother's Strength

Chapter 909 Brother's Strength

Sheng Tian narrowed his eyes, "Are you underestimating your brother's strength?"

"Of course not. I've always known Dad's strength. If he wants to hide from others, no one will be able to find him." Looking up and curling her lips, from morning to now, the calmer she is, the more she can realize that this matter has nothing to do with the old man. Dad is inextricably linked.

Without his direct order, how could Huang Ye and those masters hide it from her.

If it was someone else, she wouldn't feel it, but the other party was Hei Ming, her partner.

"Are you looking for parents?" Still frowned and murmured, "No wonder parents left in such a hurry today, so it was because of Xiao Yang."

"..." Looking up.

I really don't want her to find it.

"Let's talk, you want to be better than blue, let alone there are three of us." Sheng Tian said proudly.

From the perspective of looking up, Sheng Tian has always been such a stinky fart.

She didn't think it before, but now she understands that her brother has the capital of stinking farts, and if she wasn't her own sister, she would still be fascinated by his face.

"They didn't know what they were planning, and they lost my partner."

You really answered that sentence, don't guess what your parents think.

She just said something lightly, Sheng Tian and still looked at each other, and knew why Xiao Yang was so nervous and anxious.

Moreover, I still feel faintly in my heart that this matter does have something to do with my parents.

There are probably not many people in this world who can move that man.

"I'll try, you come with me." Sheng Tian became interested, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just in his early twenties, there is a kind of indifference brewing in his eyes that sees through the world, making it difficult for people to feel pity for the usual cynical image with the current people.

He still smiled lightly, and whispered something in Yang Wang's ear.

After finishing speaking, looking at Yang Wang's surprised eyes, he patted her shoulder reassuringly.

Sheng Tian showed a mysterious smile and pouted.

The three quietly walked into the bottom of the villa, where there was a laboratory that was used a long time ago.

"This is already my territory, look." Sheng Tian proudly showed his improved control room.

"Every accessory here has been checked by me, so there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped.

This time, even looking up at the corner of his mouth, there was a slight smile.

Everyone knows that Dad left a lot of souvenirs in the villa back then, to prevent people from being eavesdropped accidentally.

Yang Wang hurriedly gave him the communicator in his hand, "This is the only way for me to directly communicate with Hei Ming."

Sheng Tian took her communicator with his knuckles, then sat down, turned on the countless computers around, and entered the search at the same time.

The equipment in the villa has unique advantages.

One is that they can enter the camera system of the entire country, and the other is that they can directly enter even the hidden Huangye branch.

Still gesturing to look up, the two sat down at the same time, and the three proceeded together.

"Yiyi, you search the East Eighth District, Xiao Yang, you search the south, I'm here to find the whereabouts of parents." Sheng Tian suppressed the expression on his face, and the time when the two left quickly flashed in his mind, standing in the perspective of Shengshi , where do they choose...

From noon to night, before the three of them had time to drink a sip of water, they nestled in the basement, working nervously...

Yang Wang worked hard for Hei Ming, and Sheng Tian and Sheng Tian were of course for this sister who has always been omnipotent...


A certain city located at the southernmost tip of country E has abnormally hot weather all year round.

=== Full class in the morning, sorry===
(End of this chapter)

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