Chapter 910

A certain city located at the southernmost tip of country E has abnormally hot weather all year round.

some resort.

After driving for a day, Sheng Shi and Tian Xin finally settled here. They planned to go abroad for a walk, but turned a corner temporarily and came to this city.

"Shengshi, we haven't done anything wrong, why are we avoiding it!" Tian Xin was tired and paralyzed on the bed, and said boredly.

Sheng Shi smiled faintly, "I just took this opportunity to take you out for a walk. The company's affairs can't be dealt with every day."


"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day." After hanging up the clothes of the two, Sheng Shi leisurely walked over and kissed, "Didn't you not notice that you got the medicine wrong?"

Tian Xin was very angry, "I said no, I swear by my intuition, there really is no!"

I thought again, "I don't know how he became like that...

Don't forget, the effect of Qingling Pill is not that, it is to make people lose their memory for a certain period of time. "

"But when they brought him back, the veins in his whole body were in disorder." Sheng Shi raised his gaze lightly and said with a smile on his lips, "It's fine if you don't die, it's okay
"That's right, it's good if you don't die." Tian Xin agreed. "[Looking up: "..."]
The two hit it off.

Sleep well.


In Jinhua Villa.

Four hours later, what I was looking for finally had some clues.

"Xiao Yang, look, these are the two routes." Sheng Tian's brows were not tired, but instead he was shining brightly, "There are two kinds of results, parents will either end up on Huangdao, or they will go to the city of South China Sea .”

Looking up nervously, he asked, "What do you think?"

A touch of pampering inadvertently flashed across Shengtian's eyes, and it was fleeting, "No matter where it is, it's hard for us to find it in a while, and it's hard to be sure."

"...But I guessed right, it was Hei Ming who returned to the island, and my parents went to the city of the South China Sea."

Still surprised, "Isn't that a resort?"

"..." Looking up.

Could it be that she was really nervous for nothing.

"No, if nothing happened, why did Hei Ming knock me out last night, and when he got up in the morning, he asked about the faint blood in the room, so faint that people couldn't even notice it."

Looking up always feels uneasy.

Sheng Tian reached out and flicked her forehead.

Looking up and covering his head, he howled, "What are you doing?"

"If you value that kid so much, why don't you tell me how you feel about him? Or, we can still know why parents did this..." Sheng Tian said with a smile on his lips.

Looking up and thinking for a while, he was not sure, "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure." Sheng Tian laughed and paused, "But there is still, she must know what parents are thinking..."

Looking up at Chao Yiran, seeing her encouraging eyes, curled his lips, "Actually, it's nothing..."

He roughly told them what he said to Wen Xiaowei last time.

"Yiyi, I've made it clear enough. Tell me, what do parents mean? After thinking about it, it's only them!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Yiran fieryly.

Still and Sheng Tian looked at each other, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, shrugged, and still sighed, "Xiao Yang, it's fine if you really don't understand this matter, it's actually not a big deal, I'm going to sleep."

She glanced at her watch and yawned, "It's already three o'clock in the morning, so my beauty sleep is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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