Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 920 The Effect of Heroes

Chapter 920 The Effect of Heroes (2)

"Hmph, you've been hiding from me for so many days, thinking that's the end of the matter? You're thinking beautifully!" Yang Wang had never tried that kind of torment from the bottom of her heart, but from Hei Ming's body, she tried all kinds of things.

Of course, she wouldn't deliberately express this feeling.

But since the man fell into her hands, it was necessary to give him some suffering.

"Tell me, how do you plan to repay it!" She raised her chin proudly.

Hei Ming's gaze fell on the hand holding her, wrapping it carefully, "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't let me leave."

"Go? Hmph, you are mine, where do you want to go." He swore domineeringly, "You will never be ordered by my parents again."

The corner of Hei Ming's mouth curved slightly, "I'm already by your side, unless you don't want it, denying that there is no reason for me to leave, I will not leave."

Ben was still depressed and flustered, but when he heard this sentence, his anger disappeared immediately.

It's really easy to soften your heart when you look up to secretly despise yourself.

"Should I believe what you said?" Yang Wang raised her head, because of the height difference, she even had to raise her chin to look directly at him.

Hei Ming proved his determination with actions.

"I never lied to you."

Looking up and blushing, he suddenly noticed a silence around him, and subconsciously looked away. The people passing by seemed to be looking at them with surprised eyes...

After all, he has never done such a generous thing before, and even looking up at him with a thick face, he couldn't help but blush.

Hei Ming bowed his head, the corners of his thin lips moved slightly, and met her eyes.

The corner of Hei Ming's mouth raised a meaningful arc, and he received all the hatred and envious eyes around him.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth smiled deeper.

Looking up and opening his hand, "I'm just staying here for my orders. You can stay if you like. I haven't eaten lunch yet, so I'm leaving."

Turning around, biting his lips lightly, the tenderness on his face couldn't be stopped.

Hei Ming smiled, and his eyebrows moved. The paleness just now did not fade away, and he went straight to catch up.

Who made him rush to see her!
The two dined in pairs, which even caused a sensation in the school.

In the past, it was only rumored that Yang Wang and Ling Hao were boyfriend and girlfriend, but no one had ever seen them together.

There is also An Yiyang, the head of Anhui, who likes the youngest of the Sheng family, Wang Wang's children's shoes, and has reached the point of becoming obsessed.

But every time in exchange for a violent beating.

Those who lack self-confidence will never dare to provoke Yang Wang, because she is very violent.

Even a confident person will come back dejected in the end.

And the scene of them on the playground not only fell into the smiling eyes of Yi Yi who was hiding not far away, but what caught people off guard was that...

Sheng Tian also warmed up on the playground and sweated.

In the blink of an eye, everyone knows.

Ever since I looked up one day and said that I had something to go out, and then came back, it was like a different person.

Wen Xiaowei's jaw dropped in shock.

Hastily gossiped and asked, "Xiao Yang, you've only been out for a short while, and you won't meet the right man right away. If you look like that, you're mentally abnormal!"

Wen Xiaowei sat next to her every day and knew everything about her well. When it was near noon, she had just received a love letter, and she became nervous in the afternoon.

It's a hundred times better than going out with her for a hundred times, getting rid of the saliva, and all kinds of dredging... the effect is a hundred times better.

The only explanation...

Someone untied her knot.

(End of this chapter)

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