Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 921 The Effect of Heroes

Chapter 921 The Effect of Heroes (3)

In the past, it was only rumored that Yang Wang and Ling Hao were boyfriend and girlfriend, but no one had ever seen them together.

There is also An Yiyang, the head of Anhui, who likes the youngest of the Sheng family, Wang Wang's children's shoes, and has reached the point of becoming obsessed.

But every time in exchange for a violent beating.

Those who lack self-confidence will never dare to provoke Yang Wang, because she is very violent.

Even a confident person will come back dejected in the end.

And the scene of them on the playground not only fell into the smiling eyes of Yi Yi who was hiding not far away, but what caught people off guard was that...

Sheng Tian also warmed up on the playground and sweated.

In the blink of an eye, everyone knows.

Ever since I looked up one day and said that I had something to go out, and then came back, it was like a different person.

Wen Xiaowei's jaw dropped in shock.

Hastily gossiped and asked, "Xiao Yang, you've only been out for a short while, and you won't meet the right man right away. If you look like that, you're mentally abnormal!"

Wen Xiaowei sat next to her every day and knew everything about her well. When it was near noon, she had just received a love letter, and she became nervous in the afternoon.

It's a hundred times better than going out with her for a hundred times, getting rid of the saliva, and all kinds of dredging... the effect is a hundred times better.

The only explanation...

Someone untied her knot.

Thinking of this, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, and was about to say something...

Looking up and throwing off his shoes, he said calmly, "Xiao Hei is back, and now I'm going to sleep. If the land falls and the ground cracks, don't call me."

Immediately afterwards, the whole person got into the bed.

"..." Wen Xiaowei.


Neither satisfied her curiosity.

Go back to your seat, continue to hold your homework, and there are a bunch of materials to study.

Sooner or later you will know.

Although Yang Wang said she was sleeping, Wen Xiaowei felt that she was not asleep, and she didn't know what she was doing...

In the evening, I went out to look for food alone, thinking of bringing one for her by the way, but didn't call her, just following my usual preferences.

Standing in the cafeteria, someone immediately came up and asked, "Miss Xiaowei, I want to ask you something—"

Wen Xiaowei was not surprised at all, and calmly took a sip of the pure water in her hand, "Don't ask me anything about looking up, I won't tell you."

"It's okay not to say anything, just nod or shake your head." The boy said hastily, "There is a lot of rumors in the school, looking up and kissing a boy on the playground."
The expression of pretending to be calm finally cracked, and a mouthful of water was sprayed on the face of the boy opposite. Before he could say an apology, he shook him wildly, "Who did you listen to, tell me who is spreading the rumor!"

The boy took a few steps back in horror. Obviously, the image of gentleness was shattered.

"This is what happened at noon. Everyone knows, Miss Xiaowei, why don't you know anything about it?"

"..." The cat's claw in Wen Xiaowei's heart finally stopped scratching.

It turned out to be the case.

So original.

Lifting the two meals in his hand, he snorted coldly, "That's also a matter of looking up to myself, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks."

Bypassing you politely, you should leave the cafeteria proudly...


in the dormitory.

Looking up and getting into the quilt, I really didn't sleep. I was going to sleep, but a certain scene from today flashed through my mind over and over again, holding the communicator in my hand, waiting...

I said silently in my heart, if you don't send me a message, you will die.

=== If you love me, give me a ticket!Hee hee ===
(End of this chapter)

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