Chapter 104 Why Are You Knowing Everything? (third change)
Chapter 104 Why Are You Knowing Everything? (third change)
Mo Yun left Moyuan.

After more than three hours, I returned to Jiangnan Wuhan University.

At this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Just cook dinner.

Eat and drink well.

I just practiced Chaos Jue in front of Yuehua.

When it was close to midnight, Mo Yun habitually wanted to sign in, and finally realized that today's sign-in opportunity had been used up in Moyuan.

Shaking his head, Mo Yun simply washed up and went to bed.

the next day.

When Mo Yun was preparing to make lunch, Liu Xiyan came.

She is still so punctual.

Every time there is a meal.

And this time, she climbed up from the balcony.

She held two Xuanshuang rabbits in her hands, with a smile on her face, she looked very happy.

"So happy, what luck?" Mo Yun looked at her, wanting to laugh.

"Hahaha, no!"

Liu Xiyan gave Mo Yun a blank look, and continued.

"But I'm really happy today!"

"What happened?" Mo Yun pretended to be curious.

"Hee hee, it's okay, it's all over~" Liu Xiyan waved her hands, as if she didn't want to talk about this topic more.

He didn't want Mo Yun to worry about her.

After Feihong Yunzhi brought it back, the elixir was successfully refined.

This morning, Liu Ji'an had already taken the elixir and passed the dangerous period.

As long as he takes good care of him, he will recover completely and be alive and well in a month at most.

For this, Liu Xiyan was naturally happy, and the big stone that was weighing on her heart finally fell down.

As soon as grandpa's injury stabilized, Liu Xiyan ran over to see Mo Yun.

Because she has something important to confirm with Mo Yun.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan looked at Mo Yun and said seriously, "Who the hell are you?"

Hearing this, Mo Yun touched his chin and said, "You are the shadow ace assassin, don't you know who I am?"

Liu Xiyan shook her head, lowered her head and said, "I haven't checked your information, I haven't before, and I won't in the future..."

Hearing this, Mo Yun couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

After pondering for a moment, Mo Yun said.

"My name is Mo Yun. I'm from Tancheng, Nanhu District, Jiangnan. I'm 19 years old. I'm the only one in my family. I have a house but no car. I have a little savings. I have a positive and optimistic personality, and I'm sunny-"

Before Mo Yun could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Xiyan blushing.

"You, you, don't talk about this... and, it's not a blind date!"

Mo Yun smiled and continued: "Then what do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then asked, "What... is your cultivation?"

"Let's barely count as the eighth rank, it may be better than the ordinary eighth rank." Mo Yun said.

"Eight, eighth grade? Sure enough..." Liu Xiyan was relieved when he heard Mo Yun's words.

Although I don't know why Mo Yun can have such terrifying strength.

But at least.

Liu Xiyan knew that Mo Yun was telling the truth.

The situation at that time, the cultivation base was not at the eighth rank, could not be solved at all.

That snow-white demon bird was extremely ferocious, and it couldn't be defeated without the strength of the eighth rank.

However, even so, it was solved by Mo Yun's palm.

So, don't say it is the eighth grade.

Even if Mo Yun said that he was rank nine, Liu Xiyan would still believe it.

"What else do you want to know?" Seeing Liu Xiyan froze and remained silent, Mo Yun asked again.

"Hmm..." Liu Xiyan nodded and continued, "That token..."

"Well, that token was made by me, and the attack field is engraved on it, and it can summon phantoms with the same strength as me to fight at critical times." Mo Yun said.

"Really, really... really amazing!" Liu Xiyan didn't know what to say.

Not only did Mo Yun break through to the eighth-rank realm in martial arts, but he was also able to describe the field.

It's not an exaggeration to say that this kind of person is a fairy!
The key is.

Mo Yun not only saved her.

And indirectly saved her grandfather.

Without Mo Yun's field token, she would have been killed by that snow-white demon bird.

In this way, Feihong Yunzhi will not be able to bring it back...

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan took another deep breath and bowed deeply to Mo Yun.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Your field token saved my life, and from now on my life... will be yours!" Liu Xiyan said solemnly.

Mo Yun: "..."

Mo Yun shook his head and said helplessly, "Don't, what should I do with your life?"

"Also, don't say thank you or anything. You gave me so many cultivation techniques and elixir, and you gave me the shadow token. I will give you a field token, which can only be regarded as reciprocity." Mo Yun road.

"Also, there is also the Poxu Pill..."

Liu Xiyan bit her lip and continued.

"If there is no Poxu Pill, my previous mission would be in danger..."

Liu Xiyan blushed.

She owed Mo Yun too much.

"Poxu Pill?" Mo Yun was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

Seeing Mo Yun's confusion, Liu Xiyan thought for a while and explained briefly to Mo Yun.

After listening to Liu Xiyan's explanation, Mo Yun's face darkened.

This did she grow her brain?

Just because the elixir looks good, do you keep it?

Pills are for eating, not for viewing.

At this moment, Mo Yun finally understood.

Why is it that Liu Xiyan's martial arts talent is obviously not bad, but he has been unable to break through after eating the Perfect Potion Pill.

It turns out that this guy didn't eat at all!

If he hadn't seen the power of Mo Yun Xuying and realized that the thing was not an ordinary pill, Liu Xiyan would probably never have eaten that bottle of Perfect Void Pill for the rest of his life.

While Mo Yun was thinking wildly, Liu Xiyan had already taken out the bottle of Perfect Potion Pill from his bosom.

She took a few steps forward, put the Poxu Pill into Mo Yun's hand, and said quickly.

"I'll return the rest of the elixir to you, and I will find a way to make up for the one I ate..."

Mo Yun rolled his eyes, and returned the Perfect Void Breaking Pill to Liu Xiyan, feeling angry.

"Don't, I have so many of these things, I can't use them up no matter how much I use them up, you'd better keep them for yourself."

As if afraid that Liu Xiyan would not believe it, Mo Yun took a few bottles of Perfect Void Pill from the system space and waved them in front of Liu Xiyan's eyes.

"See, I really don't lack this thing, you can keep it for yourself."

"???" Liu Xiyan was dumbfounded.

Is this still human?
There are so many flawless quality Poxu pills?

Of course, it is impossible for her to know that it is actually the Poxu Pill of perfect quality.

"I forgot to tell you. In fact, I am still a somewhat powerful alchemist. These elixirs are all refined by me."

"Well, it can be refined at any time, so there is really no shortage. This thing is worthless to me. You can keep that bottle for yourself."

Liu Xiyan: "..."

Am I dreaming?

Why do you know everything?

(End of this chapter)

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